Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dirt Bike Themed Cakes

Then What Happened?

121 reviews are now in the post above. I can not answer one by one among other reasons because I doubt that many of the commentators happen again. However, having some issues that do deserve to be punctuated, I thought about doing an update this afternoon with the missing links, clarifying the issue wages (as far as possible, because they are variables), and giving all the information that I have available. Although I think there are people that are doing out there.

Then there are two trivial issues:
- The title of the post. "Are there people who have not seen" When We Reach the Future "? If so, sorry. I assure you that is good even with spoiler.

- Writing . They say several anonymous (although signed with name would remain anonymous because we do not know personally, I guess) than the last written post is fatal. Maybe so, given that it took more than 24 hours without sleep. He joined the Fridaytale with all this mess.

Now the waters have subsided and it is all a little clearer. There are things I can not put here, but I will summarize positions.

1 - Those who think this is an outrage and there to throw missiles at the drivers and throw them in the slammer (for example, the English heartthrob Charles Boyer).

2 - Those who think it may be a legitimate activity but find that the mass strike was disproportionate and unfair to citizens.

3 - Those who think that holidays are not a necessary good, but still think that the drivers have passed.

4. Those who think that holidays are not a necessary good and agree with the strike.

And ... 5 - Drivers who think they have done wrong because they earn too much and they, earning much less and being more puteados not go on strike.

At Option 1 I have nothing to say. Why?

At the Option 5, s ent say that it could go a little more complaining. Especially - do not know why empathize more with them - teachers, too, and also enduring worldwide are criticized by the large number of holidays they have. What are you waiting?

The rest I have nothing to say. I will not judge. I decided to put here and FB data were not known so that people would think knowing a little more. The pity is that it did not happen what happened, nobody would read this data, nor anyone would have minded. It looks like things are only important as today. Every Wednesday after Radioshock we head to the Burger and we passed firefighters, who have a sign announcing the precariousness of their situation. That street becomes many people, and nobody cares for an egg, apparently missing firefighters in Madrid. Well, you import the day on strike and has two fires, or the day but not declared striking, there is a problem (a collapse in the tunnel of the M-30 for example, that in the leaflets distributed speak enough of that), and simply do not have fire to cover it all. Then it will televised debates with many people shouting and pointing.

only wish that with this, all people who are for or against the wildcat strike (this, or the Metro de Madrid) raised the need for a debate on how we are taking crisis and all, the need for effective solutions. O "us to consider," I also count and the minimum I forget that there are things more important than Formspring or Expofriki. Now going to be Christmas but in January we will be the same.

I said. In the next update, the missing links. Thank you all for having read the previous post.


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