Monday, December 6, 2010

Average Cost Of Catering A Wedding Of 150

The recreational area of \u200b\u200bRussia

Last year Russia banned in casinos, poker games and facilities which carry out gambling and set four main areas where these activities would be legal: Siberia, areas of East and West and southern European Russia (in short, the cities of Kaliningrad , Az ov , Altai (Siberia) and Vladivostok ). The consequence of all this was that the industry took the business to other foreign countries or simply chose to work illegally.

Seeing this, the authorities of the South have decided to enable the territory's most popular tourist attractions of the Black Sea, which aims to create a giant area casinos and gambling establishments where you can play poker money .

So also exist to build various facilities such as spas. According to Alexey Agafonov, deputy governor of the Krasnodar region, " really went out to market with a new initiative: a spa for the whole family, where games of chance are just one of the entertainment . "

Although many employers have considered the idea as promising, there are many who have argued dissent, which are determined by the lack of necessary infrastructure in the zone that it becomes a play area important.

So what could be the Russian mirror of Las Vegas or Macao will have to wait and see if both legislators and entrepreneurs agree to at least start taking the first step and make new industry standards are met to the letter.

So far, the only legal casino ever built, the Orakul, cost a total of 10 million dollars, which they claimed their owners, hoping to recover during the first year in which the casino is open.

The Orakul, Oracle in Castilian, is located in southern Russia, on the border between the region of Krasnodarski and the province of Rostov. According to some sources, about 500 people daily visit the facility. There are free buses from neighboring cities, Krasnodar and Rostov transporting customers to the casino.

With these, we should expect if the proposed mega fun zone becomes reality or not.


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