Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bestfriend Forgivness Poem

The Soylent Green is people. Girls

The week before the General Strike in the gym I heard how they said to monitor the September 29 had to open the gym. Some because they worked, others because they went on strike and so they could train more and better. To monitor complaints, he said his job was to be there watching and that this was not a job. The same people who pay two months overdue.

denigrating the work of the gym leaders achieved their goal: the gym open for them (the shit for not being able to go on strike, or lazy because they did strike) could go and do your time and peak weights and chatter.

On September 29, with an alarming number of unemployed, many people decided not to strike. Anything you have every right. The stated reason is that the strike was by the officials, who are people vague, they charge too much, and have a level playing too good for what little they do. Others do

went on strike and took the opportunity to exercise their rights as consumers and go for tapas and wines, thus eliminating the effect of the strike. Because the waiters do not have no right to strike, because if we go bars, what we do on that day of leisure? One option was to go all crazy on the march organized in a sticky situation still hard, but the problem is that not going with them. I was not going to unemployed, self employed, entrepreneurs, retirees, students, trainees, or unskilled workers. Was mainly of officials. The unions did not want or were unable to include everyone, but decided excluded, mostly, that it was not with them.

almost ten years ago, the cabin crew Iberia went on strike for their employment status. Public opinion seemed bad because the drivers were paid more than them and because the flight attendants to be wearing palm on a plane, charge too much. But the truth is that they had to turn ten years with the salary freeze while the company generated profits.

The writers, some two years on the board of ALMA, raised the remote possibility of strike action. Idea plummeting by many impediments, including lack of a trade union power that they (we) support, and lack of members. Among others. The public, hearing, stated it very clearly: someone who shit like it should have no right to strike, and no salary.

A year ago, left the pictures of the daughters of Zapatero in a meeting with Obama. Internet users responded by calling them ugly, fat, disgusting, and making humorous montages on the two children. The reason was that they were the daughters of Zapatero and were no longer entitled to the honor, privacy, and self-image.

month and a bit ago, a girl told me how a model, feeling unwell, was pushed into the shower, washed down with cold water and slapped. When was "recovered", put it to march. Because the models, as everyone knows, are silly, anorexic, and have a very easy to play.


ago, a friend has gotten a job that paid less than half that of their peers. The unanimous answer has been around since "the beginnings are hard" to "not complain, it's a job." Through the essential "For it is much more than what they charge most kids your age."

On Friday December 3, air traffic controllers were low because they could not call a strike. A decree law had imposed a minimum service 100% in case of strike. That is, they had no right to strike.

As the start of the Bridge of the Constitution, everyone caught on vacation and flew into a rage. Requested from layoffs to jail. The problem, as you probably know, has been alleviated with the militarization of the sector, faced if they did not return to work, to imprisonment for eight years and expropriation of property. Thing that almost everyone seems very good because the drivers are too.

But the truth is that they spend a few things, like: "That

overtime drivers are required.

- What is the fifth Decree made in the last year, after many fruitless negotiations since white cucumber pointed to this union for causing the crisis with their high salaries.

-That no driver charged € 250,000.

- who have waited to spend the Catalan elections to launch this last Decree Law, which also removed nearly 400 € for the unemployed, something which of course no one has spoken. "That

drivers claiming to be one year off without any media that will echo.

- bears a year without holidays.

- that are intended eliminate workers' rights by the decree.

- that the cuts in wages (logical in cases of crisis) have not been announced in advance, but have come all of a sudden to payroll, and even though most of the media, people organize their lives around to what you earn, and if anyone takes away 40% of their income out of position you your entire life.

- that the drivers now can not attend any debates because they are under martial law imposed by a socialist government that has always been anti-military.

- that military training is not sufficient to meet all air traffic controllers.

- You need a career, a difficult entrance exam, a year of full-time training, and a variable period of entitlement to be air traffic controller.

"That if there had been a moribund or similar emergencies, such flights had passed through military aviation, which is where they normally.

-carried more than five years without calling in an air traffic controller positions, despite the insistence of those who were exercising.

- That can not be controlled for eight hours straight because nobody gives much of himself. It is as if spinning a professor required it to eight hours, but with the difference that if you make a mistake, to monitor Spinning is not down a plane.

For detailed information, you can go to this post Bloguionistas to this Blog a parent, to page drivers, this interview, or even the BOE .

These details, unknown to the vast majority of citizens have been none for a large part of the public (and not to mention the media) to the cries of the drivers have too many privileges, abused of all citizens, that the holidays are sacred, and that if they were in my situation (here everyone puts their example) would be much worse. 's true.

But think now he has had a driver, but tomorrow may be to you. And people will say that you are not doing too badly, there would be many unemployed people wishing to occupy your place for less, or at least you have work, or that what you gain you have no right to complain (because if you win there will be € 1,200 one that will win 800 €). Instead of protesting to improve our respective situations, it is best to make sure everyone is doing badly, so we're all equal.

And it just so happens that my mother is air traffic controller. Why I years (rather small) holding that comments about how thieves are those like my mother, how unfair it is that she wins both, and the money we have saved. There have even been people that I have even suggested that my situation is irrelevant because my mother is doing well. So I have no right to a permanent job or at least stable. The highlight I lived in the past 30 hours, where I discovered they were not friends, and also some rather unexpected allies have been concerned for the welfare of Sabadú well have sent me their support for various media. My mother came the Romans at eight in the morning in a meeting and returned today at four o'clock. Whenever she or any of his companions left the hall, a flood of passengers and journalists were hurled insults and objects. Because the fact that the drivers have lost some of their basic rights does not entitle them to turn to leave others without a bridge.

A girl who felt fully until today I have said, literally, to feel sorry about my mother but if they want to lynch is their fault. So.

was not alone. Between yesterday and today I have lost friends (how nice are lost), I have received insults, threats, and ridicule. On the same harassment that the group has lived for a year I've received today. Just to be the daughter of a parent.

Even a person like Ignasi Guardans (former director of the ICAA to Hernán Migoya reprimanded for exposing illegal funding of "I'm a wimp," former director of the ICAA which was being demoted to denounce the corruption of a sector on which him throughout his time in office, did nothing), put this in your Twitter: "S i know an air traffic controller, take it out of your comfortable anonymity among its neighbors. Harm innocent citizens hiding in the crowd " . Ignasi Guardans invites citizens to point fingers and say who to lynch. But after the declaration of emergency is no longer necessary. Every time someone complains, you can enter the Army to restore order even at gunpoint.

I hope that you remember when you go to for you, something will happen because the problem is that the Government is not only solvent, but also has failed to control the problem in more than ten months of negotiations. Jail calls for drivers, but few ask for the removal of an Minister incompetent. I say stop, not jail or hanging or beatings.

Remember this also whenever a boss tells you that you are going to be some hours extra you are not going to charge. When you turn change without notice, when cobréis unless your colleagues because they are young or just because. Remember when you have to sign draconian contracts to have a Working, as well as seek a second job. And when, after the break rajadita piti, no one supports this request have been talking about everything. When convoquéis a demonstration and not go or the acetate. When you please give your version and the people you respond with insults or sarcasm. When you say that there are many unemployed people willing to do your work for less. And when you say that your work deserves a better salary or because you have no career or your career because it was useless, or because even an idiot could do it. Remember all this because, if we had not been so unsupportive, none of this would happen. But if I think that this is not me, when my turn, others will think that what happens to me does not go with them.

But do not worry that your toil over soon: will the Euro, come the holidays, come the weekend, and all will be forgotten.


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