Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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During the winter, and especially at Christmas, the province of Cadiz is more beautiful than ever. The Christmas spirit opens for business in late November, Cádiz making it the perfect destination for lovers of Christmas and Nature. It is a good time to savor the beauty the province from its coast to the Sierra, through the Countryside and here below for tips on what to do in these special days.

Christmas in the Sierra

Visit the Sierra de Cadiz Grazalema and this holiday is really special, it is the perfect time to visit the Christmas Nativity, the traditional long-awaited and appreciated during the Advent. In towns such as Arcos de la Frontera or Ubrique living cribs are held with many years of tradition. In addition, nature lovers can enjoy a wide range of hiking trails through green landscapes, great mountains and beautiful villages in a time of year where snowfall is frequent. Stand out for its unique beauty Pinsapar route, which is through a forest of firs (unique in Europe) Grazalema leaving and ending in Benamahoma.
To qualify for these routes and the Christmas spirit is nothing better than staying in one of the small hotels or villas you can find both in the white villages and in remote areas of the mountain. In internet portals for local and andaluciasur.com can find a wide variety of this type of accommodation.


Beach Christmas is also the perfect time of year to enjoy the tranquility of the Costa Cadiz. The beach in winter is even more beautiful, it becomes magical and inspires the deepest feelings. Summer beaches become crowded this time of year in wild and deserted beaches, romantic and beautiful. It is advisable to visit the beaches of Tarifa Valdevaqueros (called the Capital of the Wind), Bologna beach in front of which are the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia, the beach of El Palmar next to one of the most beautiful white villages of Andalusia, Vejer de la Frontera, the Canos de Meca beach where is located the Faro de Trafalgar, famous for the battle that occurred in the same place on October 21, 1805 and, finally, the beach Conil de la Frontera, located in this town of great seafaring tradition and tourism environment.


really are very many traditions and customs of Christmas Cadiz. among them we find the "zambomba" and the flamenco mass in Jerez de la Frontera, which are more authentic celebrations of the Catholic feast of Andalusia. Its origins date back to the eighteenth century, and is to meet on the eve of Christmas Eve with friends, neighbors and family in the yards and yards of neighboring houses and Gañanía. They form a circle around the fires, where Christmas carols are sung and danced in a way spontaneous as they shared wine, anise, punch and Christmas cookies. The main instrument is the zambomba, hence the name of the party.
Of the hundreds of zambombas held every Christmas in Jerez, the Saturdays in December before Christmas Day are the busiest days and which consume a lot of more donuts and fritters.

in Algeciras (Cádiz) there is a tradition that does not happen anywhere else. In the days before Reyes cans meet children and prepare them "drag" that on the morning of January 5th (the day of drag cans) crawl across the center of the city putting up a large uproar for calling the attention of their Majesties the Kings of the East and do not forget to visit at night. According to the delegate of the local parties, "I know with certainty when this tradition can be dated, it is a bit noisy around town but the kids have fun in scandal." Another interesting it

tradition are called Candelas de Puerto Serrano held at dusk on December 31 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Candles are lit to make it warm the new year, together with Bunel, grapes and hot chocolate.

Not to be forgotten Christmas Cádiz cuisine, really varied and attractive. These are dishes this time the fish, lamb, turkey and bores, without forgetting the wines and spirits. Nor have to miss bores, polvorones and, of course, alfajores amarguillos and Medina Sidonia.

As we have seen, both in their habits as its Sierra and Costa, Cádiz becomes the ideal destination for a few days of rest in their Christmas holidays.


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