Sunday, November 21, 2010

Steve Prefontaine Sweat Shirts

International Day for Tolerance:

"Tolerance is especially necessary to protect themselves from the politics of polarization, in an era in which stereotypes, ignorance and hatred threaten to destroy the delicate fabric of societies increasingly diverse. Today's world is more interconnected than ever through trade and information technology, but the divisions both between communities and States, and within them, are exacerbated and deepened by poverty, ignorance and conflict. ".

Message from the Secretary General on the International Day for Tolerance November 16, 2010

The December 12, 1996, the Assembly General invited Member States to mark 16 November annually observe the International Day for Tolerance with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the general public (resolution 51/95
This resolution was adopted after the conclusion of the 1995 United Nations Year for Tolerance, proclaimed by the Assembly in 1993 (resolution 48/126 ), an initiative of the UNESCO General Conference , on November 16, 1995, Member States of UNESCO had approved the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and the Plan of Action Monitoring Year .
), the Heads of State and Government reaffirm their commitment to advancing human welfare, freedom and progress of human beings everywhere, so as to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, civilizations and peoples.


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