Saturday, November 20, 2010

Difference Between 870 And Super Mag Reciever

Writing a novel, AKA "My little speech of thanks"

For that, I won the Prize XVI LdT

(Test )

did not know whether to start this post talking about the negative, or positive.

begin then with a cover image

(The cover)

And now do what I can.


novels does not make you rich, but from what I see makes you respected. At least for a week, which has been what some people have taken leave unnamed in comments here and there saying that the novel has to be a shit because I write. That, of course, was to be expected. Years to be judged only by the thickness of my legs, as for now I do have to consider things aside from being a girl in which you can / can not fuck, that's how I see most guys ... the Internet. More

bothered me the general comments of "Ah, but what you write?". In fact, friends, yes. Write. I write fiction since I learned to write. From a little earlier if you count the "novel" six-page pictorial that I dictated to my sister, a churro and a cathedral, and keep in Candelario, with DIN-A4 cut in half and stapled to the end. The first story (no story) I wrote a full 13 years in a gridded pages. The first account to the computer, died at 16 when a boy at my school (I remember because it is a weekend not to forget.) The first attempt at novel, at 9. I got to do almost two pages. The second, at 18, also by hand. And since then, a story, another story, another attempt at novel ... So almost every day. But do not comment because it is only my business because I do not need to go telling the world that I am a writer for people to consider me, because in general I like to teach what I write until it is finished ...

wrote "Coelacanth" when they finished the "D" Street. " It took 20 days to make the first draft. Did nothing. I slept twelve hours without stopping wrote another 12. Hardly ate because I was wrong. Before I had a lot of time to go the gym doing exercises a pattern of course is not suitable for a girl. I cut my hair to one. I stopped picking up the phone and see people. I finished the novel and I felt much better. It was and is the first thing that I feel really proud. I've always liked and I always like it. It is not a perfect novel but it is the novel that I had inside. As I have in others that I hope to finish soon. I felt free and happy while writing. I removed a lot of history so that they were below the story. To me, all the characters are real and alive, as are all the characters in everything I write. If not, could not write because they I care. Fiction is confabulation, but no lie. When a lie is because it is bad. Fiction can and should contain Truth. Or so we have to try.

To write "Coelacanth" I had to sort through photos of sites that had been looking at all the plants and animals were listed on the site which was the action. And count the steps she had from a house to another, to see what you had time to think and make a map of camp, and to remember. I had to see a lot of people who thought forgotten, and give a physical aspect to each of the characters. I'm not saying he's done anything extraordinary, but say this is what I've done. Writing is about the only thing that makes me happy. And now I'll tell you why.

Because people will fail.

Because situations change.

Because projects are dropped, the truth is not always pleasant, and because most of the things we do in this life are useless.

Because things are not as we would like. Because

When you take things unless you drop the world over.

Because when you understand those around you it's too late.

And so many things.

In these two years I have written many emails. Some of them were to ask for work. Only three people have been able to help. When I have driven curriculum in areas outside my area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, even called me. And those curricula over a hundred in the last year alone. Nobody wants someone who can go tomorrow if you get something better. I received many responses from "Oh, if I may," "Oh, you're so talented ..." "Oh, you have to do is write" ... While I've been polishing my savings, borrowing, and have continued my desperate home. When these people the "Ay" have been in a position to give something I do not have it, that I assure you. Everyone does what is appropriate and has much to do, but each of those messages, "Oh, you're very talented and I am the only person who sees" becomes a slap when you see that job, that test script, goes to someone else. Sometimes prefer to be told you're a mediocre and give you work, because no air live. At least I do. I have 29 years and I have a stable adult life, as have so many people around me.

That anxiety and feel useless that I share with, the source, 20% or 40% of the English. Unemployment and distress often lead to depression, resentment toward those who do have jobs, and psychosomatic diseases.

Back then, there are four basic reasons why the award has made me so happy:

- I have seen my novel published.

- I'll get the money you need both.

- People are enjoying it quite a novel.

- And the most important thing is that even if another two years without gigs, I can always think that once there was a group of people who thought that what I do worthwhile.

Here in reality, as usual. But I have regained hope. I hope that those who are in the hole you will soon pass too good.

and photos, likes that everyone

(Pron Patrick and I)
(Tuertito and BbRaro, our film critic)
(Bb Rare and Tuertito. I transcribe what they were saying. Bb "I publish a book miiiiiii?". Tuertito "Can I invite a paellaaaaaaa?)
(Dani, Julio, Miguel, Juan)
(blurry picture)

(Ana Bootes with the book ...)

PS: I think I'll make a collage with photos of the event ... and video, with a background song.


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