Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Remove Dead Skin From Face



  • Lips Chicks who put in the pictures.
  • The guys who embrace the colleagues closer to the camera.
  • People pointing to the next to it with the attitude "the cool is he." Double points if the two people in the photo are identified between them.
  • chicks that pretend to kiss.
  • Chicks who touched the breasts and stick out their tongues.
  • The autofotos in the bathroom. Double puntiación if the photo has flash.
  • The "eeee k cabron taaaaaal be if we" and substitutes.
  • The "like" in a state that is objectively negative.
  • Photos perspective games by famous monuments.
  • family photos on holiday or profile picture.
  • Public announcements of "what we do today? Comes out or not out?"
  • People to see that two are in the wall, autoinvita.
  • The "like" in the birthday wishes.
  • Links to Spotify with comments from the rocker I am. "Cane ..."
  • The "guapaaaa veoooo k well you" to people who 15 years ago do not see and is unable to get private messages.
  • Guys who only have friends aunts. Double points if it is a fuckbook where they have to expolvos / possible dust / powders mightbe.
  • Chicks who in theory but in reality models are chonis with a picture taken on the steps of the portal.
  • People who put their life chances in life and these turn out to be nonsense.
  • The aberrant spelling. I recall that in our country, education was provided free of charge and compulsory until 16.
  • References to what I'm hearing / reading / viewing for the whole world know how cool I am.
  • absurd Videos colleagues doing the jerk at dawn that neither see nor hear. Double points if you of the protagonists is humiliated by his own colleagues. The
  • albums with photos hiperquemadas predictable and "Breakfast at Tiffany's, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, the couple who kisses the departure of the train ...
  • The photomontages of seafood that will be, say, friends forever.
  • Guys who leave comments on your wall pretending you know more than anyone when neither you know nor want to know you. LOVE

  • The "like" in editions of foreign yews.
  • Discussions outside walls.
  • The Epic Fail.
  • chorras photos in front of the webcam. Especially if they are partners.
  • The open profiles.
  • food photos.
  • The updates of "today I have eaten"
  • The updates sincere, whether he be.
  • People who do not understand what the "favorite quotes" and puts you where and how you want to be with the love of his life. The
  • jpg 4chan.
  • The shirtless.
  • photos of tattoos that make you laugh.
  • profiles dolls and imaginary beings.
  • The walls are just spam from strangers.
  • People tagged out at more than 300 pictures that tell us about their lives since the opening of the wall. The
  • obsessed farms, aquariums and mafia wars. Those
  • do not know who they are but they send you kisses, hugs, and shit from idiots applications to gain points.
  • Hoygan The test made in which the result always leaves you motherfuckers.
  • Minors adding to the family.
  • People who itch for friends to disaggregate.
  • People who do not even have a picture of her in profile.
  • People all your photo retouching to pretend they do not possess beauty.
  • People who greets and congratulates those he criticizes in his daily life.
  • Couples who live together and still communicate through the open wall.
  • People hate you but you added to gossip.

TELL ME WHAT YOU hate and worship

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pokemon Soulsilver Shiny

Gilbert Rigaud and interviews

Gilbert Rigaud was (and is) a bad coffee French gave us kind of lighting and Documentaries at the University. Below his temper and outbursts had a sincere concern for both students and for film. I remember how when he spoke of Jonas Mekas said "his documentaries are full of Beauty and Truth" . Thus, teaching this in class.
Among many other things, we spent a few pages on how they should be interviewing. In one part said " Interviews should stop talking to the interviewee, and do not meet the entrevitador narcissistic. "Of course, getting " speak the interviewee " is far more difficult than simply let him speak. We must ensure that the respondent take trust and feel comfortable, and avoid (I think) manipulate in your favor. Most people, facing an interview, adopts a defensive posture that camouflages sympathy. It is normal. Only exhibitionists like to be seen at balls.
Gilbert gave us a lot of documentaries, including this:

The story of a man who failed, refused or was unable to warn the world of a disaster. In this case, yes you do a prosecution, but does Claude Lanzmann film commitment (commitment to truth, not all of you are thinking.) Maurice Rossel, the Swiss official Red Cross, becomes a living thing that happens. Visit a concentration camp and does not perceive anything unusual. No man is a trial Maurice Rossel, but to all who see nothing strange if any. All those who avert their eyes because they are more comfortable and avoids problems.

But of course, not all interviews are individuals or key people in a moment of history. Also disguised promotion interview, the interview with a personality. The first time I heard of Houellebecq was in an interview in "Ajoblanco" . French ended the conversation by saying "I know. I'm a nuisance" . That, along with the other statements, made me interested in "The Elementary Particles" . Book I recommend you not, really. Yes, that's fine, but it is depressing. As I read it in tatters, and then I went to "The Kreutzer Sonata" , this man played with his group in Benicassim and put, I guess, up the ass. Even if you consider yourself hypersensitive, yes I can definitely recommend you.
In this interview, the semi-promotion, we can always find some jewelry

However, public demand made things are a little less serious. This video is from the eighties and television and the audience have changed a lot. Now he seeks more than the guest is a person carefree, open ... Rulfo might not be the person to a prime-time, however interesting it is. someone like Bill Hader, for example, it would fit in this example.

Or even this one ...

The first is an interview with Bill Hader who apart from being my platonic love - which I never met in NY for more than passing time and time again in front of his workplace - is one of the brightest stars of SNL .

The second, an interview with Joaquin Phoenix when he wanted us into believing that the mess had become Majara. I was actually recorded (and promoted in advance) film "I'm Still There" .

In both cases an interview to promote fun, light, and carried with intelligence. All had fun: the audience, the interviewee and interviewer. Not far from "A Vivant Qui Passe" or Shoah , no videointrepretación of "I accuse" , but we can not be serious all day long. Light products also need to when we return to work.

as they do in "The Ant" , where the light is such that it becomes uncomfortable for the interviewee and the public. To the interviewer, it seems, no. Enjoy laughing at some stars who do, will sell thousands of records, charged gold in abundance, will be known even in Shangri-La, and have mansions in LA, but what balls. Are jerks, not speak English! Menudos buds!

Gilbert, we lied. The important thing is entrevitado laugh at. For the LOL

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Steve Prefontaine Sweat Shirts

International Day for Tolerance:

"Tolerance is especially necessary to protect themselves from the politics of polarization, in an era in which stereotypes, ignorance and hatred threaten to destroy the delicate fabric of societies increasingly diverse. Today's world is more interconnected than ever through trade and information technology, but the divisions both between communities and States, and within them, are exacerbated and deepened by poverty, ignorance and conflict. ".

Message from the Secretary General on the International Day for Tolerance November 16, 2010

The December 12, 1996, the Assembly General invited Member States to mark 16 November annually observe the International Day for Tolerance with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the general public (resolution 51/95
This resolution was adopted after the conclusion of the 1995 United Nations Year for Tolerance, proclaimed by the Assembly in 1993 (resolution 48/126 ), an initiative of the UNESCO General Conference , on November 16, 1995, Member States of UNESCO had approved the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and the Plan of Action Monitoring Year .
), the Heads of State and Government reaffirm their commitment to advancing human welfare, freedom and progress of human beings everywhere, so as to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, civilizations and peoples.

Pubic Hair Depilatory

real reality

Miguel Del formspring of Agnes ...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Difference Between 870 And Super Mag Reciever

Writing a novel, AKA "My little speech of thanks"

For that, I won the Prize XVI LdT

(Test )

did not know whether to start this post talking about the negative, or positive.

begin then with a cover image

(The cover)

And now do what I can.


novels does not make you rich, but from what I see makes you respected. At least for a week, which has been what some people have taken leave unnamed in comments here and there saying that the novel has to be a shit because I write. That, of course, was to be expected. Years to be judged only by the thickness of my legs, as for now I do have to consider things aside from being a girl in which you can / can not fuck, that's how I see most guys ... the Internet. More

bothered me the general comments of "Ah, but what you write?". In fact, friends, yes. Write. I write fiction since I learned to write. From a little earlier if you count the "novel" six-page pictorial that I dictated to my sister, a churro and a cathedral, and keep in Candelario, with DIN-A4 cut in half and stapled to the end. The first story (no story) I wrote a full 13 years in a gridded pages. The first account to the computer, died at 16 when a boy at my school (I remember because it is a weekend not to forget.) The first attempt at novel, at 9. I got to do almost two pages. The second, at 18, also by hand. And since then, a story, another story, another attempt at novel ... So almost every day. But do not comment because it is only my business because I do not need to go telling the world that I am a writer for people to consider me, because in general I like to teach what I write until it is finished ...

wrote "Coelacanth" when they finished the "D" Street. " It took 20 days to make the first draft. Did nothing. I slept twelve hours without stopping wrote another 12. Hardly ate because I was wrong. Before I had a lot of time to go the gym doing exercises a pattern of course is not suitable for a girl. I cut my hair to one. I stopped picking up the phone and see people. I finished the novel and I felt much better. It was and is the first thing that I feel really proud. I've always liked and I always like it. It is not a perfect novel but it is the novel that I had inside. As I have in others that I hope to finish soon. I felt free and happy while writing. I removed a lot of history so that they were below the story. To me, all the characters are real and alive, as are all the characters in everything I write. If not, could not write because they I care. Fiction is confabulation, but no lie. When a lie is because it is bad. Fiction can and should contain Truth. Or so we have to try.

To write "Coelacanth" I had to sort through photos of sites that had been looking at all the plants and animals were listed on the site which was the action. And count the steps she had from a house to another, to see what you had time to think and make a map of camp, and to remember. I had to see a lot of people who thought forgotten, and give a physical aspect to each of the characters. I'm not saying he's done anything extraordinary, but say this is what I've done. Writing is about the only thing that makes me happy. And now I'll tell you why.

Because people will fail.

Because situations change.

Because projects are dropped, the truth is not always pleasant, and because most of the things we do in this life are useless.

Because things are not as we would like. Because

When you take things unless you drop the world over.

Because when you understand those around you it's too late.

And so many things.

In these two years I have written many emails. Some of them were to ask for work. Only three people have been able to help. When I have driven curriculum in areas outside my area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, even called me. And those curricula over a hundred in the last year alone. Nobody wants someone who can go tomorrow if you get something better. I received many responses from "Oh, if I may," "Oh, you're so talented ..." "Oh, you have to do is write" ... While I've been polishing my savings, borrowing, and have continued my desperate home. When these people the "Ay" have been in a position to give something I do not have it, that I assure you. Everyone does what is appropriate and has much to do, but each of those messages, "Oh, you're very talented and I am the only person who sees" becomes a slap when you see that job, that test script, goes to someone else. Sometimes prefer to be told you're a mediocre and give you work, because no air live. At least I do. I have 29 years and I have a stable adult life, as have so many people around me.

That anxiety and feel useless that I share with, the source, 20% or 40% of the English. Unemployment and distress often lead to depression, resentment toward those who do have jobs, and psychosomatic diseases.

Back then, there are four basic reasons why the award has made me so happy:

- I have seen my novel published.

- I'll get the money you need both.

- People are enjoying it quite a novel.

- And the most important thing is that even if another two years without gigs, I can always think that once there was a group of people who thought that what I do worthwhile.

Here in reality, as usual. But I have regained hope. I hope that those who are in the hole you will soon pass too good.

and photos, likes that everyone

(Pron Patrick and I)
(Tuertito and BbRaro, our film critic)
(Bb Rare and Tuertito. I transcribe what they were saying. Bb "I publish a book miiiiiii?". Tuertito "Can I invite a paellaaaaaaa?)
(Dani, Julio, Miguel, Juan)
(blurry picture)

(Ana Bootes with the book ...)

PS: I think I'll make a collage with photos of the event ... and video, with a background song.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jenna Jameson Free Full Movies

"Sponsorship Group" landed in the city

Documento PDF

Documento PDF Documento PDF

Documento PDF

is a group of people working to promote citizen participation and commitment to the republic. This nonpartisan civic organization, works for the construction of full citizenship, active and engaged with the community. As they explain their referents, his priorities are "young, adolescents and adults with chronic civic despair" and aims "to transform people into citizens."

After being present in virtually all corners of the country, "Sponsorship Group" settle a score slope and was standing in the city of the end zone.

This group of people working to promote citizen participation and commitment to the republic, finally landed in the city of

La Plata the hand of a group of university students led by Julius Caesar Macchi and Celeste López Sáez


"Parenting" devoted itself mainly to promote citizen participation, election monitoring and civic education.

Currently, as a first initiative, are working on time in the training of prosecutors in the face by 2011. Those interested in joining or being trained, can be contacted via Facebook or by writing to mail .


Flea Bites On Dogs Stomach

Our new

is small, it is rubbery, and filmmaker. Who better to discuss the recent releases that BbRaro popular?

Each week a loving critique from their point of view.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Homemade Pelletboiler

Interview film critic in America Valenzuela

has in coming but finally is. On YouTube, dangling a few days, thanks to Confused Man has had many visitors.

The fact is that, without going into details, here's Valenzuela America.

(Actually this is a picture I took of, the video is below.
Do not get to play in the photo like crazy)

is a journalist specializing in scientific publication and present the program Radio 5 Science Cubed ", which explains in simple and entertaining news and scientific curiosities. "Science in the bucket" are small amounts of highly distributed knowledge, which, incidentally, are also available in podcast.

also a few months ago came the book "Science in the Cube", which is one of the best gifts you can give to the chick this Christmas.

(Photo home so you can see that I have it. Nor have I turned the picture or anything. I, all hair)

America has worked
also press and, not shown in the video what I say: He is a patient, kind, sympathetic and affectionate. Apart from beautiful and professional, that these two things if you can see.
I leave you with the interview, which looks to have taken ...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trainiimg Of O Stream


... for those who have entered into this blog doing these searches ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Peeing Often And Headache

applause Things

is that it is, I have given a prize. The Language of Cloth. And now I want to do a post about this, about the novel, and all that.

But it can be for several reasons:
Today I slept three hours.
all day I've been away from home.
Tomorrow I have to go again.
On Sunday I will travel until Monday or Tuesday.

And again, not in what order I have to put other hot topics as ...
-The American video Valenzuela, who wanted to move up once more with the excuse of Science Week. But my connection is resisting.
- The record of Them, "Severe Heart."
- The premiere of "agnosia."
- Meeting in a bus EMT with several shurmanos.
- The Hall of Manga.
- The Halloween Cineshock.
- links Radioshock recent programs.
- The New Adventures of Jordi Costa.

While trying to climb back to the video, I remember I won a prize. Put the cover and such, but I'll put some pictures Monchichi-card. How funny is this rider hustler ...

Tomorrow, a real post about this, but without the benefit of the funny photo illustration above.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Milena Velba In Person

Gen. Manuel Belgrano speaks to Watch:

"I blood boil, noting as an obstacle, so many difficulties that would mature quickly if it had a bit of interest in the country. "

Manuel José Joaquín Heart of Jesus Belgrano

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mileage Plus Calculator

have "Fiat Homo" in LA

If by chance you are in Los Angeles on November 17, take advantage and go to see " Fiat Homo" , which will screen at 18:3 or in New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF) .
Yes, we have selected an international festival. What a great day.