Saturday, March 12, 2011

Indian Women Nacked Boobs


Here you have the third meeting of agriculture producers. This time we want to present a garden that is very important to us. When we became interested in urban gardens, one of the relevant blogs for us Garden was on a balcony in Barcelona , I read the blog from top to bottom, I was amazed reading what I had in Ena blog and reading also decided that we wanted to have our garden at home. And now you will be able to find this garden and the balcony. Do not miss anything that has Ena, and of course enjoy the photos from her garden. We hope you enjoy it.

I live with my husband and daughters in Barcelona. I have a garden on the balcony and a website where I talk about it ( ). A few months ago I stopped updating the website, but I still enjoy my garden as usual.

My name on the web is ena.

is what encouraged you to start growing on your balcony? How long have you been growing

was by chance. three years ago I fell in love to eat bean sprouts and fresh to get them more easily and cheaply as possible, I began to germinate myself.

The fact is that one day I got to wonder if tomato seeds that I was eating would be able to germinate as it did the soybean. I never noticed that tomatoes (or anything) have seeds, I guess my subconscious associated ideas.

that I planted tomato seeds and germinated in a potecito. So I was curious to see where they could get, so I planted in a pot on the balcony and I started to water them and watch them.

And from that moment, almost without noticing, I began to change the ornamental plants in the balcony had plants, as well as beautiful, they were edible.

How is your garden? How much space you have? What type of containers used to grow? Have you changed the type of container over the years?

As I said, the principle containers were pots. But two years ago I made the big change: I removed all the pots and set up a table wood made to fit the width of the balcony. occupies feet by two feet and has a foot deep.

One year my husband and I will design a second container looking to grow the maximum amount of plants in a small space and has proved a hit impressive allows spaces between plants were lower, more fit me!, the need for irrigation is less and takes up much less floor balcony.

I think the trick is in form, allows a large volume of soil that holds moisture and the roots can go deep to where they want to. We call it the "vertical garden ."


cultivate? Do you grow all year round? Have you been planning the garden?

I tested with everything I can. At the moment my biggest successes are tomatoes and peppers in summer and lettuce, beets, peas and beans in winter.

where I go I plan to plant every thing considering that each species needs a corner to suit your needs (those who need tutors around railings and walls, which can be easily attached, tall varieties in pots deeper, all with minimal space but not exceed an inch, that the more fit better ...) And besides, the composition has to be beautiful, and varied and tasty, and the irrigation system needs to reach all points ... Well, I think I have painted too complicated and it is not, each plant site, simply.

Do you make compost for use as fertilizer?

I have a plastic container full of "universal substrate" under the table in the garden. I throwing organic waste (from the balcony and kitchen) to the bowl and then with the blade, the hash and covered with a finger of land. Once a week I remove the assembly with the blade, to air.

Whenever I need my land to various schools, the lame in the compost. Conversely, when I have is there going to stop.

I do not think that what I do on my balcony can be called "compost" from what I've seen on the network, not about any of the processes existing composting.

What I do is only enrich "universal substrate" with plant debris and facilitate cleaning step of the plants on the balcony as the remains go directly to the composting plant, without departing from the balcony.

How have you solved the issue of irrigation ? Got programmed drip irrigation, water it manually?

I have programmed drip irrigation , essential during holidays and very comfortable for the other days.

still have it, I like water manually. Use water from the tank where the turtles live, non-chlorinated water is also enriched with the "nutrients" who selflessly contribute to the ecosystem including the balcony.

What questions did you have to start growing? Did you meet with difficulties? How did you solved?

Oh yeah I had doubts, I started from scratch, I to go looking for information on the difficulties as they arose.

Internet is undoubtedly the fastest and most complete source of information. And as books recommend "The self-sufficient gardener" by John Seymour (can be downloaded from the network) to understand the cycle of the vegetables and that is why organic agriculture, and the "Urban Garden" by Josep M. Vallés to take some basic guidelines and clear to start growing in small spaces.

Dinos three reasons you want to encourage everyone to grow at home.

For the illusion of eating what they themselves have grown, and no "chemistry."

Because the cultivar teaches discipline of small changes and constant time. It forces you to revestirte of patience and perseverance. Without realizing just applying it to other things in your life, you learn to wait, to observe, to be aware of the cycles of life around you.

And because it is planting addictive, at least for me, I can not stop! And every time (more times than it does), always, always surprises me, is magical! As I read on some website: If someone does not believe in miracles, to observe the germination of a seed.

Well, thank you very much and good harvest ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡


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