Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Many Panadols Does It Take To Die?

not remember what I told the substrate of the pots, when the season changes, or when collecting the vegetables growing there and others.

This is when I started growing and thought-provoking, because it was not clear if he had to pull the entire substrate, if it could be reused, if I could re-grow on the same substrate, in order, questions, doubts and questions. And I'll tell you what I do.

By growing plants in pots when they reach their maximum growth, ie, when collected and removed from the substrate, they have spread their roots over the entire container, and although I have not found any book or internet information on what to do, logically I understand that these roots can be detrimental to the new plants, I guess that may prevent new plants extend their roots grow, and maybe even drown. And I say that this is what I have deduced, I have not found information.
I imagine that if grown in soil, this will change, but I have to adapt to what I have.

I'm going to put a picture in which you can check on the soil of a potted plant, where he had grown two endives. You can see the roots and the substrate formed a compact mass, and to re-grow on this substrate have been impossible.

You can infer that what I do after each crop, is to recover the land that I can, removing the larger roots, and the rest of the waste land, yes I leave it in the container of organic waste. And go back to new earth, for the vegetables they can grow freely. Good harvest



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