Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bmx For Sale In Ottawa


This blog started life two years ago. It all started because we started to grow vegetables at home, and as we were a rookie, I had a word a day where I was writing down my doubts, which he cultivated, how he did it. One day we thought we could make a blog, and so we might have a diary with photos and all goods ordered.

From this it has been two years, I can only say: How has life changed since we have the garden and the blog

This blog has made us know other blogs of gardens, fantastic people You write us comments, and although I do not know, The blog allows us to feel very close.

The enthusiasm for farming, has grown into something very important in our lives. And now we want to share news. Some time ago we started to fondle one idea, which at first seemed impossible, almost impossible. But gradually the idea, that little seed we have been watering, feeding, and has been growing and growing.

That little seed has grown into a project very relevant to this blog and orchards. That project is called URBAN GARDENS WORKSHOPS.

workshops are already underway, will start from April, and those in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnext to Plaza Urquinaona Easily accessible by public transportation to anyone who is interested. There will be various times during the week and on Saturdays. And the workshops will be taught by two teachers of permaculture, organic gardening experts.

If you are interested in the workshops, you can click HERE . ,

This project has excited a lot, because we deeply believe in him, and as I have said before, because we thought it would be wonderful if all the balconies and terraces of our cities be filled with orchards and gardens. With these workshops we do our part to make this dream came one day become reality.

you hope that you enjoy our project. And we are happy to welcome you to our workshops.

We want you to know that this blog will remain the same, will remain our logbook, where we will continue what is happening in our garden, and in other orchards.

Thanks and good harvest all


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