Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pink Tinged Cervical Fluid

An initiative that seeks to change political apathy in society Fraud

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Make Nappy Carriage

1: Denying its Existence

General Interest

The objective is to address the political apathy in society, especially youth and adolescents and those with Argentine civic despair chronic. Under this slogan, the Sponsorship Group, a nonpartisan citizen organization formed by students and professionals in Law, Political Science and Sociology, seeking to stop having viewers to give way to the actors. The group, with several branches in the country, and landed in La Plata. "We transform inhabitants citizens, working to promote citizen involvement and commitment citizens of the republic, "he told Today Pablo Olivera Da Silva, a member of the entity. The work is a lung and driven by the desire to change things and that people are friends with politics.
El Grupo Padrinazgo, organizaci�n no partidaria, lucha contra el analfabetismo pol�tico mediante la educaci�n c�vica. El objetivo es que los habitantes se conviertan en ciudadanos
"We want more citizen participation, to understand the policy as necessary, so that, for example when there are elections, people will not be a hassle to go and vote, but it is something they do with joy to know that are exercising a right, "he said. In this regard, adding that "we believe that political apathy is due to the crisis of representation in the institutions, which erupted in 2001, throw them all out, which is a terminal issue. We believe that change starts from below, by the citizens. The parties make more propaganda than information for people, "he said. To achieve this, promote independent audit through the training of prosecutors, in the aforementioned specific action to control the election as well as the difficult task of educating them for the detection of many forms of electoral fraud there with the aim of preventing and / or report them. Another initiative is to provide lectures in schools, "we encourage kids to know why the laws, why we vote and why it is necessary to participate. And besides, we all know what the political platforms, which can separate the challenge, to fight for not much more information and propaganda. "

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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This blog started life two years ago. It all started because we started to grow vegetables at home, and as we were a rookie, I had a word a day where I was writing down my doubts, which he cultivated, how he did it. One day we thought we could make a blog, and so we might have a diary with photos and all goods ordered.

From this it has been two years, I can only say: How has life changed since we have the garden and the blog

This blog has made us know other blogs of gardens, fantastic people You write us comments, and although I do not know, The blog allows us to feel very close.

The enthusiasm for farming, has grown into something very important in our lives. And now we want to share news. Some time ago we started to fondle one idea, which at first seemed impossible, almost impossible. But gradually the idea, that little seed we have been watering, feeding, and has been growing and growing.

That little seed has grown into a project very relevant to this blog and orchards. That project is called URBAN GARDENS WORKSHOPS.

workshops are already underway, will start from April, and those in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnext to Plaza Urquinaona Easily accessible by public transportation to anyone who is interested. There will be various times during the week and on Saturdays. And the workshops will be taught by two teachers of permaculture, organic gardening experts.

If you are interested in the workshops, you can click HERE . ,

This project has excited a lot, because we deeply believe in him, and as I have said before, because we thought it would be wonderful if all the balconies and terraces of our cities be filled with orchards and gardens. With these workshops we do our part to make this dream came one day become reality.

you hope that you enjoy our project. And we are happy to welcome you to our workshops.

We want you to know that this blog will remain the same, will remain our logbook, where we will continue what is happening in our garden, and in other orchards.

Thanks and good harvest all

Amadeus Constanze Salieri



The duration of the workshop is two hours and two hours and a half.

Small groups of students.

In all courses provide the necessary material and a dossier with information on the matter concerned.

To book the workshop that interests you, you can do in the following ways:

- through PAYPAL system, secure and reliable system.

- by bank transfer. In this case, you can send an email to, indicating the name of the workshop, the same day and time. And I send a mail with bank details for you can make the transfer.

If there is a workshop that interests you and complete, you can get in touch with us in the mail, and You can join a waiting list.

And if you are a group, association, entity or group interested workshops in urban gardens, we can tailor workshops. We would adapt to your schedule, and we crowd out the place I was convenient.

If you are interested in any of these workshops, BOOK YOUR PLACE.

Click on each course for details. APRIL 2011

I inception workshop,

Date: April 7

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 11

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 35 €

I inception workshop,

Date: April 14

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €

I inception workshop,

Date: April 16

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 28

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 28

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 40 €

To make inquiries about the workshops or payment methods, you can call the phone 626-036973 or 93-5145038.

are held in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bC / Via Laietana, 57, next to Plaza Urquinaona.


Monday, March 14, 2011

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Essential to visit European capitals

always said that traveling is a pleasure, a way to discover new worlds, new societies, new people, new cultures ... There are many different travel options, too, some getaways that are just a couple of days and others that need a week or 2 to find on arrival at depth.

Today we will talk about the getaways, the getaways specifically to major European capitals in tourism, those who almost makes it imperative to have ever been to not look bad at a meeting of friends ... The advantage of these is that already are tourist destinations, so be good travel cheap in quantity, low cost flights, disparity of offers, promotions, ...

You European capitals are essential:

London: Undoubtedly the capital of shopping, flea markets, music ... London is a hardened will travel destination where you can visit some of the world's most famous monuments, mythical place known for movies and music, shopping ...

Paris: The City of Light, but rather the city of Love If you go to Paris , be sure to visit their flirtatious neighborhoods of the center, the legendary Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum, among other 100 places to visit ...

Rome: The capital of Italy is perhaps the only one that can "take pride" of having a country in its gut (the Vatican). But also Rome is living history, every neighborhood, every street, every corner has its own history.

Berlin: It is perhaps one of the least known tourist attractions in plan (other than the Berlin Wall), but certainly one of the ones you marked. Berlin is a compendium of recent world history, modern buildings, a spectacular social life, the Mecca of design and night life (do not forget to visit their clubs.)

Amsterdam: The capital of the channels, a charming city famous for its red light district and coffee shops. But Amsterdam is much more than that, be sure to visit the museums, stroll along the canals, watching the gardens of tulips and flowers ...

Edinburgh : The capital of Scotland is the 2nd most visited city in the UK, mostly because destination for travelers who are attracted by one of the most beautiful cities in the world and travelers who focus stay in the city and then visit the rest of Scotland.

But honestly this is just a hint of European cities you must visit, it would lack Vienna, Prague, Dublin, Moscow, Brussels, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Budapest, Athens, Lisbon, etc ...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Indian Women Nacked Boobs


Here you have the third meeting of agriculture producers. This time we want to present a garden that is very important to us. When we became interested in urban gardens, one of the relevant blogs for us Garden was on a balcony in Barcelona , I read the blog from top to bottom, I was amazed reading what I had in Ena blog and reading also decided that we wanted to have our garden at home. And now you will be able to find this garden and the balcony. Do not miss anything that has Ena, and of course enjoy the photos from her garden. We hope you enjoy it.

I live with my husband and daughters in Barcelona. I have a garden on the balcony and a website where I talk about it ( ). A few months ago I stopped updating the website, but I still enjoy my garden as usual.

My name on the web is ena.

is what encouraged you to start growing on your balcony? How long have you been growing

was by chance. three years ago I fell in love to eat bean sprouts and fresh to get them more easily and cheaply as possible, I began to germinate myself.

The fact is that one day I got to wonder if tomato seeds that I was eating would be able to germinate as it did the soybean. I never noticed that tomatoes (or anything) have seeds, I guess my subconscious associated ideas.

that I planted tomato seeds and germinated in a potecito. So I was curious to see where they could get, so I planted in a pot on the balcony and I started to water them and watch them.

And from that moment, almost without noticing, I began to change the ornamental plants in the balcony had plants, as well as beautiful, they were edible.

How is your garden? How much space you have? What type of containers used to grow? Have you changed the type of container over the years?

As I said, the principle containers were pots. But two years ago I made the big change: I removed all the pots and set up a table wood made to fit the width of the balcony. occupies feet by two feet and has a foot deep.

One year my husband and I will design a second container looking to grow the maximum amount of plants in a small space and has proved a hit impressive allows spaces between plants were lower, more fit me!, the need for irrigation is less and takes up much less floor balcony.

I think the trick is in form, allows a large volume of soil that holds moisture and the roots can go deep to where they want to. We call it the "vertical garden ."


cultivate? Do you grow all year round? Have you been planning the garden?

I tested with everything I can. At the moment my biggest successes are tomatoes and peppers in summer and lettuce, beets, peas and beans in winter.

where I go I plan to plant every thing considering that each species needs a corner to suit your needs (those who need tutors around railings and walls, which can be easily attached, tall varieties in pots deeper, all with minimal space but not exceed an inch, that the more fit better ...) And besides, the composition has to be beautiful, and varied and tasty, and the irrigation system needs to reach all points ... Well, I think I have painted too complicated and it is not, each plant site, simply.

Do you make compost for use as fertilizer?

I have a plastic container full of "universal substrate" under the table in the garden. I throwing organic waste (from the balcony and kitchen) to the bowl and then with the blade, the hash and covered with a finger of land. Once a week I remove the assembly with the blade, to air.

Whenever I need my land to various schools, the lame in the compost. Conversely, when I have is there going to stop.

I do not think that what I do on my balcony can be called "compost" from what I've seen on the network, not about any of the processes existing composting.

What I do is only enrich "universal substrate" with plant debris and facilitate cleaning step of the plants on the balcony as the remains go directly to the composting plant, without departing from the balcony.

How have you solved the issue of irrigation ? Got programmed drip irrigation, water it manually?

I have programmed drip irrigation , essential during holidays and very comfortable for the other days.

still have it, I like water manually. Use water from the tank where the turtles live, non-chlorinated water is also enriched with the "nutrients" who selflessly contribute to the ecosystem including the balcony.

What questions did you have to start growing? Did you meet with difficulties? How did you solved?

Oh yeah I had doubts, I started from scratch, I to go looking for information on the difficulties as they arose.

Internet is undoubtedly the fastest and most complete source of information. And as books recommend "The self-sufficient gardener" by John Seymour (can be downloaded from the network) to understand the cycle of the vegetables and that is why organic agriculture, and the "Urban Garden" by Josep M. Vallés to take some basic guidelines and clear to start growing in small spaces.

Dinos three reasons you want to encourage everyone to grow at home.

For the illusion of eating what they themselves have grown, and no "chemistry."

Because the cultivar teaches discipline of small changes and constant time. It forces you to revestirte of patience and perseverance. Without realizing just applying it to other things in your life, you learn to wait, to observe, to be aware of the cycles of life around you.

And because it is planting addictive, at least for me, I can not stop! And every time (more times than it does), always, always surprises me, is magical! As I read on some website: If someone does not believe in miracles, to observe the germination of a seed.

Well, thank you very much and good harvest ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

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All about Live Cruises cruise vacation for Madrid

Check the holiday season, we all start thinking about where we go this year if the crisis we spend all we want, which option is right ... and there is where we happen to choose an option that probably had not yet tried: the cruises world. Is one way of going on holiday that has the characteristics of the entire dream trip: accommodation and quality services, visits to towns and sites in their scales and, of course, the continued presence and relaxing the sea.

Live On the Web Cruises are all about the cruise for places all dream. From the Mediterranean, Greek islands or the Caribbean, through the Middle East, Asia, South America or the Norwegian fjords. Here you can discover the best advice, the most fascinating routes, major industry and offers everything you need to know to go on a cruise with maximum security and comfort.

also will have the option to receive offers by email as soon as they appear to not just slip the possibility of finding a bargain last minute summer you happy ... just sign up to start keep abreast of developments.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Does My Body Hurt

Patterns 2011: Possible Fraud Presentation

Patterns 2011: Possible Fraud

Free Titanic Birthday Invitation

If you've been thinking about spending holidays in Madrid, you may have noticed that is not exactly a cheap place to go. The hotels in particular, are expensive, especially if they are well placed in the center of the city.

cheaper options are available, for example, rent apartments or stay in a hostel. They usually offer less luxurious than most hotels, but we can save a bundle and above are usually not misplaced. A good option when looking for apartments is on the web page MV Relocations Spain.

This company is an agency dedicated to temporary rental of furnished apartments in Madrid and has a great offer in the tourist areas. Come on, that the offer is good, seek for the network " Tourist apartments in Madrid" and good references you will see how you derive them.

The website is available in several languages \u200b\u200b(English, English and French), and thus are quite affordable to foreigners access to the rental of these apartments in Madrid. With good design and a more than easy to search, you can view in a very convenient list of all the apartments they own for rent. In addition, you can sort by price and have many photographs of each post to find us no surprises.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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On holiday in Buenos Aires

If you've been thinking about a vacation in Argentina, especially Buenos Aires, you'll notice that a country is not exactly cheap to go. If the flights are expensive, let alone accommodation, especially the hotels, especially if they are well placed in the center of cities.

are cheaper options, for example, rent apartments or stay in a hostel. Ofercer usually less luxurious than most hotels, but we can save a bundle and above are usually not misplaced. A good option when looking for apartments is on the web Charlie's Apartments.

This company is an agency dedicated to temporary rental of furnished apartments in Buenos Aires and has a total of 230 apartments in all Buenos Aires in the tourist districts. Come on, that the offer is good, look for the red "Buenos Aires apartments " and see how you derive good references from them.

If you prefer another option, the agency also has another cheaper option: a hostel for backpacker tourism and low cost. The hostel is the residence university students from all over the world, and has super affordable prices. One of the best choices when looking for a hostel Buenos Aires.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Many Panadols Does It Take To Die?

not remember what I told the substrate of the pots, when the season changes, or when collecting the vegetables growing there and others.

This is when I started growing and thought-provoking, because it was not clear if he had to pull the entire substrate, if it could be reused, if I could re-grow on the same substrate, in order, questions, doubts and questions. And I'll tell you what I do.

By growing plants in pots when they reach their maximum growth, ie, when collected and removed from the substrate, they have spread their roots over the entire container, and although I have not found any book or internet information on what to do, logically I understand that these roots can be detrimental to the new plants, I guess that may prevent new plants extend their roots grow, and maybe even drown. And I say that this is what I have deduced, I have not found information.
I imagine that if grown in soil, this will change, but I have to adapt to what I have.

I'm going to put a picture in which you can check on the soil of a potted plant, where he had grown two endives. You can see the roots and the substrate formed a compact mass, and to re-grow on this substrate have been impossible.

You can infer that what I do after each crop, is to recover the land that I can, removing the larger roots, and the rest of the waste land, yes I leave it in the container of organic waste. And go back to new earth, for the vegetables they can grow freely. Good harvest


Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Make Ripped Stockings For Your Arms

Civics Center: "Raising the Sovereign"

Animated Cock Milking

Renting a car on holiday

Normally when we travel, the ideal is to have total freedom to see and do what you want, without any strings attached. This is when we travel to a city not a problem, we move in metro, bus or even walking.

But if you travel to an area where travel is more scattered, it is essential to hire . If that is your choice, know a few things before basic some tips:

  • There are many car rental agencies, with different models and different prices. It is recommended that you review what you need and then look where cheaper rent.
  • Read
  • often the terms of the lease. Many times, car hire multibuscadores, generally do not include miscellaneous fees in their prices, which then has to pay on arrival at the agency, resulting in surprise. Therefore, we recommend booking in good agencies directly, making sure no surprises.
  • In winter, many countries (Such as Germany or Switzerland) it is necessary to use winter tires. Remember to include in your order, cost extra.
  • Rent a car in an airport is usually more expensive than outside of it: Also note that few agencies have an office at the airport, a reservation at another agency probably have to find a corporate agent (which will be waiting at one point) and then take you to your local town. This can be a huge waste of time, because usually they wait for passengers from several flights. Ideally, for example, Hertz reservation offices in the airport itself, you will save unnecessary travel and downtime.
  • Leave a car in a different city or point of collection involves a higher cost.
  • And of course, is essential to book your car online in advance, it will be much cheaper (here if you see the difference between booked in advance online and do in situ) and also in tourist areas often lacking a lot of cars. An example is Ibiza, where the cars are finished very soon, so you must visit Hire in Ibiza in advance.

There are many more tips and ideas to consider, but look for it Car Rental.

Cruise Line Auditions 2010

Vacation in Conil de la Frontera

Located just 40 kilometers over of Cadiz we encounter one of the best summer areas where we can rest our body of stress that brings us our daily life Conil de la Frontera. Bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, has a climate and magnificent beaches throughout the year.

The apartments in Conil offer excellent services as the town sits almost in the service sector. This is one of the major tourist destinations of Costa of Light Cadiz, very lively in the summer, perhaps too much for some, and much quieter in winter.

One of the activities that you must not stop doing if you visit Conil, is to enjoy its historic center, declared a Historical Site since 1983. There are many attractions to do in Conil also spent the afternoon and evening in the bars, pubs and restaurants.

Among the monuments of Conil highlights Guzman Tower, named in honor of those who had built in the thirteenth century as part of the defensive structure of the municipality. You will also find a lot of churches like the church of Santa Catalina, a former friary located in minimum Plaza of the Constitution or Church of Mercy was formerly the old chapel of the hospice.

Speaking of all this, around the city are wonderful for hikers and nature. Do not miss the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the River Roche and Roche Lighthouse cliffs.

That if, if you're going to go, hurry to book a rental in Conil because like all great tourist destinations, then fill the hotels and apartments, then it is difficult find a destination to stay (especially a good price).