Sunday, February 20, 2011

Active Fuel Management Sierra


I know that spring has arrived yet, but I have so badly, that in my house and have declared opened the new season of Spring.
And for what it means to feel so close spring? Well, you can imagine, preparing everything for the great season we will have insurance. For us to grow at home, the key is to start making the planters of those vegetables that we will enjoy this summer. Of course, everyone has to have into account the climate of their city, because there is a difference February in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 1 Zaragoza. Here in two days we can almost go with short sleeves, and in places like Zaragoza still missing. Guessing at the time that we have to start making the planters, it is important, especially for us not be discouraged if we see that the seedlings are slow to germinate. But we can not worry too much, because then, enjoy this special moment, the new crops.

And I've done is spend a little time to garden, and I sat with my computer, a blank page, a book of gardens, and my box of seeds, and I've been thinking of the number of pots that I will use, what I grow, I have looked if I need to buy new seeds, and in that blank page, I drew these pots and I want to cultivate in them. A really helps me visualize my crops. And do you know a secret? Think of the garden has relaxed me a lot. So I encourage you to do it.

So this season we have, lettuce varieties, spinach, arugula, garlic which have their way, canons who plant them in July, and of course the kings of the summer, tomato three songs, raf tomatoes, peppers Italian green, and eggplant. And this summer will again have such great allies of the garden, which help us to combat aphids, whiteflies and other pests, and are marigold, basil and carnation brown.

Here is a photo of the planters of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant that we have prepared. We have them on the balcony, waiting for the sun to give them warmth and life.

Good harvest all


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