Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Post Surgery Quotes


Clavel brown. This photo is from last summer.

I told you last summer, we had grown from a plant vegetables beneficial because repel those pests that attack us in the summer, and also attract insects that are good for vegetables.

And last year we grow between pots, calendula, carnation Moor and basil. And the result was spectacular, got us to forget the aphids and whiteflies. So this year, we repeat again.

And I'll do the same as last year, I'm going to grow into the same pot where I grow vegetables, do not waste space with this, because I have to use new pots, and so helping to create a protective barrier between plants, because the cultivation interspersed among the vegetables.

Of course, these three plants have to be planted when the good weather, so and I'm doing a huequecito in each pot. And with the same system used last year, and you can see here , .

And I leave you with a picture of what I've done this weekend.

Good harvest all

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dates For Griha Pravesh 2010

I think I have never talked about our love of Japanese food, we love, not just sushi and sashimi, but general this style of cooking, which we think is very healthy. Wok cooking at home, and we made our first steps making sushi at home.

For lovers of Japanese cuisine, there is a blog called Japanese Food , created by Roger Ortuño, and that is the paradise for all who want to know more about this type of cuisine. It is an amazing blog, and the proof is the number of followers you have. But Roger has also created a sushi novice courses, which offer in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia and Madrid.

But what was, last week became a lottery Eating Japanese, two free places for one of the introductory courses that they teach sushi in Barcelona. And the winners were we

¡¡¡¡¡¡ I could not believe we were going to take a course in sushi, and finally we could do it at home knowing what we were doing. The course was in a kitchen showroom, which taught evening classes and organized events. And the teacher was Laso Diego. We were taught to make sushi rice, and made four varieties of sushi, which we take home. And we gave a makisu, which is the mat that is used to make sushi, reusable chopsticks, a very comprehensive notes, and an apron. Ultimately we are delighted to have been the winners, and of course with the course, we also know Roger Ortuño, who was on the course by hosting and helping us with their experience.

I leave you with some pictures.

Diego Laso, the teacher, showing us to prepare the rice.

Comer Japones
Here Javi tried to make a sushi roll.

Comer Japones
And here you can see it again, with a very technical. Between now and star chef.

Comer Japones
And I myself, also with a great technique, I also shot to stardom.

Comer Japones

Again myself and Roger Ortuño the operator of the blog Eating Japanese, and courses for beginners sushi.

Comer Japones
Thanks to Roger, Diego and Dining Japanese for us to enjoy this fantastic experience. Good harvest


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Boutique Destinations in Spain: Galicia

If there is a charming destination in Spain that may be Galicia , a region that meets Mucho him tourist: Paisajes, sea, countryside, monuments, cuisine, spas, play ...

Y is that Galicia is all that and more as places and destinations of interest as Costa da Morte, the Green and the Cies Islands, Sao Paulo and Tower of Hercules, the Roman walls of Lugo, Termas de Ourense, Lugo the Navy and la Playa de las Cathedral in the historic and monumental supuesto Ciudad de Santiago de Compostela, destination of all routes Jacob. But this is Galicia and Mucho más, with beautiful beaches, small and hidden in rural villages, gentle hills and meadows filled with forest flirty ...

Galicia If you do not know or want to revisit, Galiciaenpie is an online portal where you can read about Galicia with routes, to see and do, accommodations and hotels, flights, resorts, rural houses in Galicia , car rental ... and more so you can organize the perfect trip. It is also his blog can obtain information on the news of Galicia.

And also miss the many celebrations, especially those gastronomic festivals that occur throughout Galicia, which in summer are usually many and of such quality that overwhelms the more daring.

What Are These Clear Bubbles On My Lip

holiday accommodation in a Sol Meliá

March We're close, and there you go starting to look at the holidays this year, especially Easter, if not, then we are left with nowhere to go. In addition, the later we choose our destination, more difficult to find accommodation in different conditions, so it's best to ride alert and prepared to leave things as soon as possible.

course, if there is something that generally comes out fairly cheap are last minute deals are always fine as long as we are a bit like where to go. Of course, you always have to find a good hotel to drop our body, which is not good anywhere to rest. And in that regard, Sol Melia is one of the best placed of the planet. From the website of the hotel chain, you can choose from a wide range of rooms in most countries of the world.

Keep in mind that this chain is a leader in its sector with more than 350 hotels in 30 countries, ensuring the minimum price guests. They highlight their Hotels in Spain, the Caribbean and Mediterranean . So you know, before you go crazy looking for a hotel, do not fail to have a look at this website because you can find great deals and discounts.

thing about this site is that others describe you in a very precise and concrete which includes every type of accommodation chosen from each hotel, so, you have at all times and in a very clear all you need to know about each room.

If I Took Plan B How Long Is It In Your System


carnival industry and is starting as soon flood the streets. This year, Cadiz enjoy their jokes, joy which are recognized worldwide. Throughout the year dedicated effort and hours that will be songs, "jokes" in which parodies the current political, cultural and informative in the country. No one is free to joke or allusion.

The festival will begin on March 3 and runs until 13, but for weeks the partygoers to summon Don Carnal. Carnival in Cadiz is from that clusters formed in quartets, jokes, extras and choirs take the tables of the Gran Teatro Falla to participate in the contest of wit, irony, and sarcasm spark. The big day will arrive on the night of March 4 when the coliseum Cadiz hosts the final of the competition, the tickets are not for months.

The essence of the Carnival of Cadiz are the songs, street art, social criticism in the form of rhyme, made art, and under the disguise you wear. In this in Cadiz, not called or disguise, is called the type, rather than national, because instead of being a costume is to take the first thing you catch.

On Sunday morning there is a spectacular parade with beautiful floats. Lyrics of the contestants are tasked not only to make us laugh, but to a scathing critique of the political, social and economic life throughout the year. During these days the city tripled its population, if you enjoy the holidays is to have it planned in advance to avoid being homeless, since Cadiz hotels are fully booked very soon. I probably will be easier to make a apartments in Cadiz , especially if you go with family or friends.

Whatever the case, and where you alojéis alojéis you, enjoy these for the holidays!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Luna Lovegood's Lion Hat

Election 2011: Voter Guidance Manual (Version 1)

Elections 2011: Voter Guidance

Active Fuel Management Sierra


I know that spring has arrived yet, but I have so badly, that in my house and have declared opened the new season of Spring.
And for what it means to feel so close spring? Well, you can imagine, preparing everything for the great season we will have insurance. For us to grow at home, the key is to start making the planters of those vegetables that we will enjoy this summer. Of course, everyone has to have into account the climate of their city, because there is a difference February in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 1 Zaragoza. Here in two days we can almost go with short sleeves, and in places like Zaragoza still missing. Guessing at the time that we have to start making the planters, it is important, especially for us not be discouraged if we see that the seedlings are slow to germinate. But we can not worry too much, because then, enjoy this special moment, the new crops.

And I've done is spend a little time to garden, and I sat with my computer, a blank page, a book of gardens, and my box of seeds, and I've been thinking of the number of pots that I will use, what I grow, I have looked if I need to buy new seeds, and in that blank page, I drew these pots and I want to cultivate in them. A really helps me visualize my crops. And do you know a secret? Think of the garden has relaxed me a lot. So I encourage you to do it.

So this season we have, lettuce varieties, spinach, arugula, garlic which have their way, canons who plant them in July, and of course the kings of the summer, tomato three songs, raf tomatoes, peppers Italian green, and eggplant. And this summer will again have such great allies of the garden, which help us to combat aphids, whiteflies and other pests, and are marigold, basil and carnation brown.

Here is a photo of the planters of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant that we have prepared. We have them on the balcony, waiting for the sun to give them warmth and life.

Good harvest all

Friday, February 18, 2011

Does Anyone Knows The Emily18 Real Name?

Cadiz Carnival Cruises last minute at good prices

We're in February, and there you go starting to look at the holidays this year, especially Easter, if not, then we are left with nowhere to go. In addition, the later we choose our destiny, the more expensive, so it is best to walk alert and prepared to leave things as soon as possible.

course, if there is something that generally comes out fairly are cheap last minute deals are always fine as long as we are a bit like where to go. And if the vacation packages usually have good sales, and the cruise is amazing. Do you know Tutto Cruises ? Well now is one of the leading websites in such deals last minute cruises .

now have on offer a lot of Mediterranean cruises at great prices (Greek Islands, Italy, Tunisia, etc ...). It's another way to travel on vacation a little differently than usual. Of course as you are not interested only in the Mediterranean, if so, also offered the possibility to navigate the Caribbean, as you read, the offer is very wide, so you have no excuse for hiring a cruise and enjoy it as much as possible.

thing about this site is that others describe you in a very precise and concrete which includes the cruise, so, you have at all times and very clearly all you need to know about each trip.

Post sponsored.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sciton Laser Hair Reviews

Fields of Action for 2011: They call on voters

Civics Center "Educating the Sovereign " dissemination and teaching of Civics applied
Talks & Workshops Colleges & Universities Preparation Training Equipment per pupil progress tracking Nexus School Authorities Articles and Publications

Voter Information and Guidance Control party affiliations
Reception of Complaints and National Electoral link
Content Preparation Instruction and Teacher Education
: Tax Bureau, Attorneys General and Bureau Authorities Coordination

Nexus "I Fiscal and Political Parties

Volunteer Network: 2 +2 + = 7 (2010:2016)

Vector is to be a Citizen Awareness, Chat Participate in physical or virtual, addressing specific issues such as Citizenship, Civics applied, and Citizen Rights. Moving from Spectator to Actor. participate in the briefings of our team to the community train you and coach as a volunteer coordinator.

Participate in regional work activities in your area. (Dissemination of the campaign, contact with other teams, proposals to develop your rights as a citizen, analysis of local issues relating to citizen participation) among others.

Login to join and to volunteer: Graciela

-Lapuente Volunteer Coordinator

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Digital Playground Watch Online Free

If you travel to Rome, and disponéis all the time in the world to visit, not worth that you continue reading this because you can see everything you want from the city, but if you're like the vast majority of tourists who only going to spend a few days, here's a summary of the best from Rome that should not be lost in any case:

You can start your day steps leading early morning to the Vatican area, ie Plaza de San Pedro and the Basilica that in its interior. When you come out, directed your steps to the Vatican Museums where you will visit the always spectacular Sistine Chapel. Then eat at the restaurants will be playing in the area.

After eating directed your steps as quickly as possible to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Forum and the Colosseum, I take afternoon. By the way, sure you stop by the Circus Maximus. evening comes, you can get close to the area of \u200b\u200bTrastevere neighborhood, home to most of the restaurants and atmosphere to enjoy a drink after a busy day of sightseeing.

Begin the second day taking a walk through the tourist center of the city and walk through the main churches, plazas and monuments found at street level:

· The squares: Piazza Navona, Spain, Plaza del Campidoglio and Piazza Venezia.

· The churches: San Giovanni in Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore, Santa Maria in Ara Coeli and Santa Maria della Scala.

· The monuments: the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and Castle Sant'Angelo.

When this ride acabéis and afternoon, give them back around the neighborhood of Trastevere and visit Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere. Then stay for dinner and enjoy a stroll through the streets of this neighborhood is so characteristic.

And now, if you still remains time, do not miss a boat trip on the river Tiber, go away to the park of Villa Borghese Gardens or enjoy the Vatican.

As I am sure you have been wanting to learn more on travel to Rome here you have a good reference is a guide to Rome in Castilian with a lot of information to make your visit much easier.

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stop on Rome travel guides to find out which low cost visit gift

The blog Low Cost Guide shows that travel is not expensive. We can watch news related to travel Low Cost, articles with tips for buying cheaper tickets travel guides to find out what free or low cost visit . A section is really interesting are the maps cheap travel, a collection maps for tourists without spending much money.

Just follow some tips to become a "savvy shopper" (smart shopper) or in our case in a smart traveler. Buy cheap is something that is already available to everyone. Thanks to companies t Low Cos sometimes you can fly for the price of a movie ticket!

Overall Low Cost getaways are to European destinations by air a distance of less than 3 hours but may also include Morocco on its proximity to Spain and low prices. The blog lets you know what to visit after free to choose where to spend your money. They also have facebook page and twitter to keep you informed.

In short do not miss the blog if you want to travel Low Cost and even spend less money than if we stay in our city.

Name Sister Heather Brooke

Federal Capital to check your voter registration status

I asked Judge Maria Servini of covered . It is for those who have made changes of address or document. Also for those who are 18 to 23 October. Recommends to concur with the document citizenship. Where to go


Judge Maria Servini de Cubria, head of the National Criminal Court and Federal N º 1, electoral competition in the Federal Capital District , called on citizens residing in Federal Capital to review its position in the pattern.
Through a statement, the judge said: "The citizens residing in the Federal Capital have made a change of address, change of Civic document, those who are 18 to October 23, 2011 can check their registration status in the Electoral Secretariat, located in Tucumán 1320, from 7.30 to 13.30 hours. "

addition, since the court recommended "go to CIVIC DOCUMENT: Enrollment Book, Address Book, Civic or DNI. If it were the new version of ID is valid only presenting the document" card "-that which sits the recorded vote. NOT VALID, the electoral purposes, the card is issued along with the DNI. "
Source: a-voter-for-Capital-Federal-to-see-your-situation-in-the-padron-electoral.html? XLD = 519

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News Yogourtera

Lit House
Videoplaylist. Sabadú Jimina session. 10/02/2011

Videoplaylist is a new activity Lit House in 2011 to incorporate audiovisual programming. It aims to offer the experience, usually domestic, share and recommend videos of Internet, far from the tiny computer screen, with the transmitter and the receiver face to face, and in a space designed for receiving Collective room film.

Once a month a guest will connect your computer to the big screen in the audiovisual room and guide a staff meeting over the Internet. Select from the videos of amateurs and professionals, including new and historic material and rarities and pieces from mainstream, set up a work in itself, feeding while laughing, perplexed and thought. Invited

Jimina Sabadú (Madrid, 1981) has a degree in Communication Studies and has studied filmmaking in New York. Since 2001 a regular contributor to the fanzine MondoBrutto. He has worked in film (The machine dance), press (La Razón, Frames), radio ("We're not anybody," "The Window of Summer", "Radioshock") and television (La2, DocuTVE, Canal +, Paramount Comedy .) In 2010 he won the Language of cloth with the novel Coelacanth. Today, he maintains, with Jordi Costa, the videoblog "Otaku & crock" in and is dedicated to criticism and the viewing of films for television while completing various film and literary projects.


From three days before each screening at ATM network Caja Madrid,, phone 902 488 488 and The House On, from 10.00 to 21.45 h.
10/02/1911 to 10/02/1911
Price: 3 euros