Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Are Black Peoples Eyes Yellow

2010 Census. What you have to know. Observations. Justice

Parenting Group meets their civic duty provide information about the next census will take place in our country in the coming days. We urge all citizens and residents to fulfill this civic obligation to be critical to know the current state of our nation in terms of socio-demographic.

On the other hand, we are very concerned about the shortcomings identified in the census forms, it describes the operational issues as those that define the quality of the information collected.
- is not seriously consider taking a worker as a person who performs at least one hour per week.
- We do not think it is right to consider
work activity work paid in cash or species, the work does not rented, that is, pro bono, and what is done to assist with labor tarear a third party.

- It is incomprehensible that he
to Universal Assignment for Child consider not the pension, which equals the Family Wage, in the absence of an item that includes the State Welfare Plans. Heads Plans, nor considered, are "forced" to be taken as regular jobs because they presuppose the provision of community service. - We find wonder striking
if the census has button or chain on the toilet, but do not ask if you have a car, care of children to public or private schools, state universities or pay, or if a library near a hospital, police station, fire station or a school. - Alarm that the census is organized in blocks function built and do not take into account the places where people live and children.
- We are concerned that children do not provide who live alone because they can not respond to the census under 18 years.
Finally, enumerators, it is essential to request the National Identity Card to the census. Determining the identity is fundamental to assessing questions of gender.

Here is the official information from the 2010 Census.
With the participation of over 650 thousand enumerators October 27 a new census in the country. Here, all information on the National Census of Population and Housing 2010.

When does the 2010 Census? On Wednesday 27 October.

Who will be the enumerators?
The enumerators will be trained to carry out the survey census. Have a credential that identifies them. Traditionally our country population censuses relieved staff of the educational structure. In jurisdictions where teachers were not enough, will be convened to staffing structures belonging to other agencies at national, provincial or municipal. May be applied also to volunteers who meet the requirements to serve as enumerators.

"That day will be holiday?

Census Day national holiday will therefore not be made public meetings and no business. Law 24.254/93 declared a national holiday the day of each year that is made to the National Census of Population and Housing and establishes its scope in Article 2 "shall be prohibited until the twenty (20) hours of the day specified for the performance Census, theatrical performances, film shows, sports competitions and in general all types of shows and public meetings outdoors or in covered enclosures. The restaurants, cafes, houses sale of beverages and the like, delicatessens, bakeries and in general all wholesale trade of food products, beverages and clubs will be closed until the scheduled time. "

Do I have to answer the census?

Yes, Decree 67/2010 states that all inhabitants of the Nation have to answer the census questions.
How will the OS?

Census Day, more than 600,000 census takers will travel across the country to survey the people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October in the home, regardless that reside there.
What time does the census taker?

The census taker will go from 8 in the morning.
What questions will I have?

This census combines two questionnaires: the basic and expanded. As a census sample, some households will respond to the questionnaire will be playing basics as others, expanded. The basic questionnaire (less questions) applies to most part of the population and the expanded questionnaire, applies only to a sample. The core questionnaire contains the questions necessary for the calculation of key demographic indicators commonly used in our country for making decisions:
-Type and housing characteristics
-home services and infrastructure
-home equipment -Sex and age

Using computer-

The expanded questionnaire includes all the basic questionnaire mentioned above, with the addition of more questions about the following topics:

-descendants or persons belonging to indigenous peoples
-health coverage
-Location marital

-Location pension

-Characteristics of the occupation
The basic questionnaire applies to most of the population living in localities with more 50,000.
The expanded questionnaire was applied to a sample of the population in towns of 50,000 inhabitants or more, with full coverage for the towns of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.

The result of the sample makes it possible to estimate the information for total population group.

How many questions will I have?

The core questionnaire contains 35 questions: 9 relating to housing and home, and 16 relating to each household member. The expanded questionnaire has 67 questions in total: 28 relating to housing and home, 39 relating to each household member.

How long does the interview?

Expanded Questionnaire The interview lasts approximately 20 minutes, the Basic Questionnaire of 11 minutes.

Should we wait for the census taker at home?

Yes, this guarantees better results. Census Day is a national holiday to ensure that everyone can be in our homes. If you must leave your home, make sure that at all times has someone who can answer questions from the census taker.

How do I identify the census taker?

The enumerators will have a credential that identifies with the full name, authorizing signature and seal. You should ask for it when they visit.

Is it necessary that the census taker to enter my home to complete the census questionnaire?

is not necessary. You can answer all questions from the door of the house.

Does the person who lives with me can vouch for me, if you have to go away for any reason?

Yes, the interview can be answered by the person with whom he shares a home.

How do you determine who is the head of household?

The head of household is determined by the people living there. It is a figure that is only used to determine the relationship of kinship with others who share a home.

Do babies and the elderly also were counted?

Yes, everyone including newborn babies were counted.

What is the purpose of the census?

quantify and characterize the houses, households and the population at any given time. From their results, we can learn about the main demographic, economic and social rights of all inhabitants of the country and their living conditions.
What information is provided?

- The amount and distribution of housing in the territory -Materials with which houses are built
"The services available to households (water, electricity, gas, etc) -The number, size and composition of households

- Habitat characteristics
-The number of men and women and age
-Birthplace and residence (common and five years ago)
-pension and health coverage
-migratory movements
-level education Marital Status
-use characteristics of the population
-Fertility of women
-Number of apartment buildings, their size and type
-Equipment Home


-descendants or persons belonging to indigenous peoples

What are the results used?
- Guide the implementation of social policies in areas such as education, health, work, family, housing and transport.
- Set the number of legislative representatives at national, provincial and municipal (art.45 and 47 of the Constitution-Part of chapter 1)
- Estimate the demand for goods and services From the data on the concentration of population and its distribution by age and sex are fundamental for industry, trade, businesses and individuals.
- Install companies from considerations the availability of local labor.

- Research in the area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences.
- Make comparisons to national and international level.
- be the basis on which projections are made public.

When will the results be available?
Interim results (total population by sex): December 20, 2010
Overall results (core questionnaire): June 20, 2011
Overall results
questionnaire (extended): December 15, 2011

Are the responses confidential?
The information provided is completely confidential. As determined Esatdística Law 17622/68, INDEC provides data in aggregate form so that responses can not be individualized. To answer the questionnaire, you do not give the name or the ID, just the name.

What to do on the day of the census?

People should be careful to pass the census taker. When you arrive at your door, check their credentials and answer your questions. The census taker asked by people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October in each household, whether living on a regular there or not.

Do I have to submit the document to the census taker?

do not need to submit the document to answer the census. Just ask their name. The answers are confidential.

Do I need to give my name?

No, only the name is enough to identify the person.

Where were counted people who are out of town, but within the country working or studying?

People who are within the Republic of Argentina will be surveyed in the place where they spent the night before the census.

Where were counted those living or abroad?

People who are outside the national territory and have not spent the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in Argentina will not be counted.

Do stores such as shopping centers, kiosks, etc. Should be closed on census day?

Yes, a day that is declared public holiday to enable people to stay home and receive the census taker.
How were counted people who are in transit and workers public transport and people who stay in hospitals?

People at the time of the census are in transit and live alone, they should approach the nearest school to register to vote. In contrast, people who serve in hospitals or any other type of call and live alone, they will do with the census taker who visits the group home.
Do tourists also have to be counted?

Yes, tourists should be census because the census is done as a snapshot of the Republic.
census Are people living in foreign consulates?
No, people living in foreign consulates are considered residents of that country.

How are counted people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October on a plane?

If you travel to Argentina, where it is still counted as the time of the census. If you travel outside Argentina, were not included. If you travel between provinces, it CENSA where you are at the time of the census. The important thing is to be counted only once so as not to duplicate information.

Information obtained from:

Official site of the 2010 Census: http://www.censo2010.indec.gov.ar/index.asp


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