Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sample Opening Prayers For Debuts

Today is a great day on capitalism Capitalism

Because the order to free up my drive and have room to finish editing the video. After months of not being able to use it, I tell you that I made a decision I can not say what, but those are my friends already know very well what it is.

'm in a bad mood, but not much. Just a little, but not much. Today is the day of liberation from the hard disk. Hallelujah, dammit. Damn, what I was missing. Fucking site on the hard disk.

... But we leave this topic as mundane to talk about other things.

- Bansky's video blog has hunchback. As I touch breaks. This is not for me, no doubt.

- Javier Pérez Andújar has released a new book . Here is an interview with him. Pérez Andújar is a handsome mature Barcelona (if someone start talking about me in those terms I get angry a lot, but I have a lot of face), a scholar, a speaker, an aide to Mondo Brutto, and a man charming. It is also very good writer. And do not say because he's my friend, who strictly speaking is not my friend, I say it is very good writer.

- The Pianist asked me for a long text for Bloguionistas . He delivered last week. How far was to imagine that people would love this. called "My friends are the cock" . Is that your friends are for convenience and no one really has talent. I explain it because the writers who write the series, giving courses, they want to be writers, etc. Bloguionistas written comments saying it's a cool text that goes morality. From my ivory tower I tell you misunderstand the text is that you're a little short. Which is not bad in itself, because everybody knows that fools are happy and are better people than smart people, they are sly. However I think people really dumb to not understand a simple text should not be writing fiction or nonfiction, or anything. Should focus all their energy in photosynthesis, the news coming out in Yahoo! News, or people who go to parks in the afternoon to sit at the table with chess board. But who am I to advise others?

- I do not expect anyone to break into "Otaku & crock" wait to decide between a movie or another. Blog is not a film critic to use, but nevertheless the majority of visitors to the website of Frames are bad I say frivolous attitude to the movies. Occasionally get fed up and put comments "Otaku, is that you asshole! "," Otaku, I like you bad! "," Otaku, to see if you learn something from movies! ", and so on.
Buried In criticism have been revealed and pineapple have to defend" Contestant "the first film Rodrigo Cortés. The surprise was seeing himself entering thank Rodrigo Cortés Internet users say their good will and, if you want to watch a movie with more people, which is also "Social Network".
I do not understand is that mental process which means that, if a person does not like a movie that you love it, think is a jerk and should not be dismissed the environment in which they work, but of planet Earth.

- I made a small contribution in the program "We Like the Movies" of Canal +. I guess that will appeal to commentators Otaku & crock because I teach chub, which they say is what I have to do. And I, obedient, I put some shorts, that for something I spend the day in the gym.

- In the last k Radioshoc we interviewed the boys Mondo Brutto, Grace Morales and Galactus. It was one of the most fun we've done and there were also call-in and the entry of a spontaneous Red Cross.

- I ended Formspring. Sorry, but as they say, I have no pussy for lanterns. I'm tired of questions about sex, my boyfriend, about why I write on this site, and what people think of truth stripped me singing. And why not, I'm tired of psychopaths with modem.

- Paco Thomas has invited me to his house for coffee, which is in Wisteria Lane. Will be on Saturday, RNE (Radio 5).

In short, this whole post was to say I'm tired of people commenting on the internet with the subtext "Why do you own and not me?" to say that there are people who have a nose that steps on it, and say that I have made some very nice and funny things these days.

And Sunday is Halloween ... I hope to Cineshock.


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