Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wemen Dressed To Please

concerned at next year's elections in Argentina

Laura Capriata THE NATION a year to the general election and ten months for the inmates, but no one knows what rules are going to vote. In the courts, as in the opposition, there is growing concern about the dark spots that maintains the electoral law passed by Congress late last year that the government regulate delayed. Uncertainty covers all areas: there is no budget to upgrade the standards, it is unknown whether approved or not "collector lists, there are no specifications on the approach to be used to distribute audiovisual advertising (may only be used given space by the state) and there are huge questions about how to handle the financing of campaigns. Fears of Justice and filtered into a public warning in the electoral judge Buenos Aires, Maria Servini de Cubria, in particular by the inability to update the standards. From the political and judicial agreed to score an operational advantage to the ruling, the only one who knows in advance how they will define those areas sensitive to the electoral performance.
The warning signs are many. Questioning some aspects of the law is too vague and others agreed, but are not able to enter into force. A sensitive issue is the distribution of advertising. The law completely prohibits the hiring of campaign ads on radio and TV. These spaces will be assigned by the Executive to matches in all the country's media and occupy 10% of programming the 23 days before the election.
But do not stop to define what criteria will be allocated resources and time to each party. "If you find the visible grid a candidate last week, sink, and when Justice act, it will be late," said the head of the UCR block in the Senate, Gerardo Morales (Jujuy). Another concern is funding. The Government should ask for in the budget 2011, and sent to Congress to fix the value of "election form", a monetary measure on the basis of which should calculate the costs and contributions throughout the season (in 2007 there was 1.5 pesos per voter .) He forgot to include it, and the electoral court had to send a note to Congress to do so urgently. You can not start any electoral calculation without this measure. On the other hand, only judicial operational prior to the internal cost 15 million pesos. And the new law sets an ambitious re-engineering, which will in about 6 years that the register contains photo and fingerprint of every voter. "So far, no sent funds. Just got some computers ", they relied on electoral justice. There were no resources to move from the 48 current patterns (two per province, male and female) to the new and high standard to be applied only in the internal primaries, simultaneous binding scheduled for August 14. This unified standard will involve reorganizing all the tables in the country, they would not be divided into male and female. The eternal problem of lack of authority table will advance to the inmates. To remedy this, the new law does not give priority to skilled citizens, but the rest, thereby promoting the rule of the militants.

Another issue that worries are collecting lists. The new law prohibits only the mirror lists (where one candidate is presented for different parties), but even that is not regulate the internal not know if the disputed lists collecting evidence and will be repeated.

is also not known what role the electoral boards of the parties responsible for checking all the requirements imposed by law. For the opposition, it is clear the conditions to form these special bodies or how they will control.
Contrary to asking the experts, 26,571 law gives more power to the National Electoral Directorate under the Ministry of Interior. By Presidential Decree 682/10, this dependence added 6 directions, fees and budget to meet their new responsibilities. "It's a setback because the world moves towards political autonomy electoral bodies," said Rep. Laura Alonso (Pro).

dark spots

court officials and opposition leaders warn of delays attributable to the Government, which could complicate the election process. ADVANTAGES

The enormous power of the State


The new law gives more power to the Ministry of Interior. This dependence should add new addresses, fees and budget to meet their new responsibilities. Opponents fear the distribution moves tables and in the count.

NOTICES Distribution of advertising

law completely prohibits the hiring of campaign advertising on radio and TV. These spaces will be allocated by the Government parties in the different media in the country. But it is unknown what criteria will be distributed and whether the air will be used to benefit the ruling party. ALLIANCES

collecting lists

According to the text adopted by Congress, may not be present "mirror lists (one candidate that is presented by different parties). But it is unclear what will happen to the "collector", ie when a candidate has your list attached to different partners. Knowing this is key to solving strategy. INTERNAL

electoral budget for the operation only after the domestic court will require 15 million pesos. But the 2011 budget draft does not include items for that. The new law also sets out an ambitious re-engineering, but also sent money to comply. SILVER

Financing campaigns

The Government did not establish the value of "election form", a monetary measure based on which they must calculate the costs and contributions of the entire campaign. Without that, it is impossible to start organizing a campaign. And there are changes that complicate the monitoring of expenditure. KEY BODY

electoral boards, a mystery These bodies now have a decisive role in the process of open primaries, may decide who may be eligible, approve the lists and sanctions. The Government still did not regulate how to integrate the electoral boards of each party and how the monitor.



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