Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fake Pin That Works On Poptropica

The Declaration of Human Rights

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sample Opening Prayers For Debuts

Today is a great day on capitalism Capitalism

Because the order to free up my drive and have room to finish editing the video. After months of not being able to use it, I tell you that I made a decision I can not say what, but those are my friends already know very well what it is.

'm in a bad mood, but not much. Just a little, but not much. Today is the day of liberation from the hard disk. Hallelujah, dammit. Damn, what I was missing. Fucking site on the hard disk.

... But we leave this topic as mundane to talk about other things.

- Bansky's video blog has hunchback. As I touch breaks. This is not for me, no doubt.

- Javier Pérez Andújar has released a new book . Here is an interview with him. Pérez Andújar is a handsome mature Barcelona (if someone start talking about me in those terms I get angry a lot, but I have a lot of face), a scholar, a speaker, an aide to Mondo Brutto, and a man charming. It is also very good writer. And do not say because he's my friend, who strictly speaking is not my friend, I say it is very good writer.

- The Pianist asked me for a long text for Bloguionistas . He delivered last week. How far was to imagine that people would love this. called "My friends are the cock" . Is that your friends are for convenience and no one really has talent. I explain it because the writers who write the series, giving courses, they want to be writers, etc. Bloguionistas written comments saying it's a cool text that goes morality. From my ivory tower I tell you misunderstand the text is that you're a little short. Which is not bad in itself, because everybody knows that fools are happy and are better people than smart people, they are sly. However I think people really dumb to not understand a simple text should not be writing fiction or nonfiction, or anything. Should focus all their energy in photosynthesis, the news coming out in Yahoo! News, or people who go to parks in the afternoon to sit at the table with chess board. But who am I to advise others?

- I do not expect anyone to break into "Otaku & crock" wait to decide between a movie or another. Blog is not a film critic to use, but nevertheless the majority of visitors to the website of Frames are bad I say frivolous attitude to the movies. Occasionally get fed up and put comments "Otaku, is that you asshole! "," Otaku, I like you bad! "," Otaku, to see if you learn something from movies! ", and so on.
Buried In criticism have been revealed and pineapple have to defend" Contestant "the first film Rodrigo Cortés. The surprise was seeing himself entering thank Rodrigo Cortés Internet users say their good will and, if you want to watch a movie with more people, which is also "Social Network".
I do not understand is that mental process which means that, if a person does not like a movie that you love it, think is a jerk and should not be dismissed the environment in which they work, but of planet Earth.

- I made a small contribution in the program "We Like the Movies" of Canal +. I guess that will appeal to commentators Otaku & crock because I teach chub, which they say is what I have to do. And I, obedient, I put some shorts, that for something I spend the day in the gym.

- In the last k Radioshoc we interviewed the boys Mondo Brutto, Grace Morales and Galactus. It was one of the most fun we've done and there were also call-in and the entry of a spontaneous Red Cross.

- I ended Formspring. Sorry, but as they say, I have no pussy for lanterns. I'm tired of questions about sex, my boyfriend, about why I write on this site, and what people think of truth stripped me singing. And why not, I'm tired of psychopaths with modem.

- Paco Thomas has invited me to his house for coffee, which is in Wisteria Lane. Will be on Saturday, RNE (Radio 5).

In short, this whole post was to say I'm tired of people commenting on the internet with the subtext "Why do you own and not me?" to say that there are people who have a nose that steps on it, and say that I have made some very nice and funny things these days.

And Sunday is Halloween ... I hope to Cineshock.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Are Black Peoples Eyes Yellow

2010 Census. What you have to know. Observations. Justice

Parenting Group meets their civic duty provide information about the next census will take place in our country in the coming days. We urge all citizens and residents to fulfill this civic obligation to be critical to know the current state of our nation in terms of socio-demographic.

On the other hand, we are very concerned about the shortcomings identified in the census forms, it describes the operational issues as those that define the quality of the information collected.
- is not seriously consider taking a worker as a person who performs at least one hour per week.
- We do not think it is right to consider
work activity work paid in cash or species, the work does not rented, that is, pro bono, and what is done to assist with labor tarear a third party.

- It is incomprehensible that he
to Universal Assignment for Child consider not the pension, which equals the Family Wage, in the absence of an item that includes the State Welfare Plans. Heads Plans, nor considered, are "forced" to be taken as regular jobs because they presuppose the provision of community service. - We find wonder striking
if the census has button or chain on the toilet, but do not ask if you have a car, care of children to public or private schools, state universities or pay, or if a library near a hospital, police station, fire station or a school. - Alarm that the census is organized in blocks function built and do not take into account the places where people live and children.
- We are concerned that children do not provide who live alone because they can not respond to the census under 18 years.
Finally, enumerators, it is essential to request the National Identity Card to the census. Determining the identity is fundamental to assessing questions of gender.

Here is the official information from the 2010 Census.
With the participation of over 650 thousand enumerators October 27 a new census in the country. Here, all information on the National Census of Population and Housing 2010.

When does the 2010 Census? On Wednesday 27 October.

Who will be the enumerators?
The enumerators will be trained to carry out the survey census. Have a credential that identifies them. Traditionally our country population censuses relieved staff of the educational structure. In jurisdictions where teachers were not enough, will be convened to staffing structures belonging to other agencies at national, provincial or municipal. May be applied also to volunteers who meet the requirements to serve as enumerators.

"That day will be holiday?

Census Day national holiday will therefore not be made public meetings and no business. Law 24.254/93 declared a national holiday the day of each year that is made to the National Census of Population and Housing and establishes its scope in Article 2 "shall be prohibited until the twenty (20) hours of the day specified for the performance Census, theatrical performances, film shows, sports competitions and in general all types of shows and public meetings outdoors or in covered enclosures. The restaurants, cafes, houses sale of beverages and the like, delicatessens, bakeries and in general all wholesale trade of food products, beverages and clubs will be closed until the scheduled time. "

Do I have to answer the census?

Yes, Decree 67/2010 states that all inhabitants of the Nation have to answer the census questions.
How will the OS?

Census Day, more than 600,000 census takers will travel across the country to survey the people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October in the home, regardless that reside there.
What time does the census taker?

The census taker will go from 8 in the morning.
What questions will I have?

This census combines two questionnaires: the basic and expanded. As a census sample, some households will respond to the questionnaire will be playing basics as others, expanded. The basic questionnaire (less questions) applies to most part of the population and the expanded questionnaire, applies only to a sample. The core questionnaire contains the questions necessary for the calculation of key demographic indicators commonly used in our country for making decisions:
-Type and housing characteristics
-home services and infrastructure
-home equipment -Sex and age

Using computer-

The expanded questionnaire includes all the basic questionnaire mentioned above, with the addition of more questions about the following topics:

-descendants or persons belonging to indigenous peoples
-health coverage
-Location marital

-Location pension

-Characteristics of the occupation
The basic questionnaire applies to most of the population living in localities with more 50,000.
The expanded questionnaire was applied to a sample of the population in towns of 50,000 inhabitants or more, with full coverage for the towns of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.

The result of the sample makes it possible to estimate the information for total population group.

How many questions will I have?

The core questionnaire contains 35 questions: 9 relating to housing and home, and 16 relating to each household member. The expanded questionnaire has 67 questions in total: 28 relating to housing and home, 39 relating to each household member.

How long does the interview?

Expanded Questionnaire The interview lasts approximately 20 minutes, the Basic Questionnaire of 11 minutes.

Should we wait for the census taker at home?

Yes, this guarantees better results. Census Day is a national holiday to ensure that everyone can be in our homes. If you must leave your home, make sure that at all times has someone who can answer questions from the census taker.

How do I identify the census taker?

The enumerators will have a credential that identifies with the full name, authorizing signature and seal. You should ask for it when they visit.

Is it necessary that the census taker to enter my home to complete the census questionnaire?

is not necessary. You can answer all questions from the door of the house.

Does the person who lives with me can vouch for me, if you have to go away for any reason?

Yes, the interview can be answered by the person with whom he shares a home.

How do you determine who is the head of household?

The head of household is determined by the people living there. It is a figure that is only used to determine the relationship of kinship with others who share a home.

Do babies and the elderly also were counted?

Yes, everyone including newborn babies were counted.

What is the purpose of the census?

quantify and characterize the houses, households and the population at any given time. From their results, we can learn about the main demographic, economic and social rights of all inhabitants of the country and their living conditions.
What information is provided?

- The amount and distribution of housing in the territory -Materials with which houses are built
"The services available to households (water, electricity, gas, etc) -The number, size and composition of households

- Habitat characteristics
-The number of men and women and age
-Birthplace and residence (common and five years ago)
-pension and health coverage
-migratory movements
-level education Marital Status
-use characteristics of the population
-Fertility of women
-Number of apartment buildings, their size and type
-Equipment Home


-descendants or persons belonging to indigenous peoples

What are the results used?
- Guide the implementation of social policies in areas such as education, health, work, family, housing and transport.
- Set the number of legislative representatives at national, provincial and municipal (art.45 and 47 of the Constitution-Part of chapter 1)
- Estimate the demand for goods and services From the data on the concentration of population and its distribution by age and sex are fundamental for industry, trade, businesses and individuals.
- Install companies from considerations the availability of local labor.

- Research in the area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences.
- Make comparisons to national and international level.
- be the basis on which projections are made public.

When will the results be available?
Interim results (total population by sex): December 20, 2010
Overall results (core questionnaire): June 20, 2011
Overall results
questionnaire (extended): December 15, 2011

Are the responses confidential?
The information provided is completely confidential. As determined Esatdística Law 17622/68, INDEC provides data in aggregate form so that responses can not be individualized. To answer the questionnaire, you do not give the name or the ID, just the name.

What to do on the day of the census?

People should be careful to pass the census taker. When you arrive at your door, check their credentials and answer your questions. The census taker asked by people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October in each household, whether living on a regular there or not.

Do I have to submit the document to the census taker?

do not need to submit the document to answer the census. Just ask their name. The answers are confidential.

Do I need to give my name?

No, only the name is enough to identify the person.

Where were counted people who are out of town, but within the country working or studying?

People who are within the Republic of Argentina will be surveyed in the place where they spent the night before the census.

Where were counted those living or abroad?

People who are outside the national territory and have not spent the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in Argentina will not be counted.

Do stores such as shopping centers, kiosks, etc. Should be closed on census day?

Yes, a day that is declared public holiday to enable people to stay home and receive the census taker.
How were counted people who are in transit and workers public transport and people who stay in hospitals?

People at the time of the census are in transit and live alone, they should approach the nearest school to register to vote. In contrast, people who serve in hospitals or any other type of call and live alone, they will do with the census taker who visits the group home.
Do tourists also have to be counted?

Yes, tourists should be census because the census is done as a snapshot of the Republic.
census Are people living in foreign consulates?
No, people living in foreign consulates are considered residents of that country.

How are counted people who spent the night of 26 to 27 October on a plane?

If you travel to Argentina, where it is still counted as the time of the census. If you travel outside Argentina, were not included. If you travel between provinces, it CENSA where you are at the time of the census. The important thing is to be counted only once so as not to duplicate information.

Information obtained from:
Official site of the 2010 Census:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wemen Dressed To Please

concerned at next year's elections in Argentina

Laura Capriata THE NATION a year to the general election and ten months for the inmates, but no one knows what rules are going to vote. In the courts, as in the opposition, there is growing concern about the dark spots that maintains the electoral law passed by Congress late last year that the government regulate delayed. Uncertainty covers all areas: there is no budget to upgrade the standards, it is unknown whether approved or not "collector lists, there are no specifications on the approach to be used to distribute audiovisual advertising (may only be used given space by the state) and there are huge questions about how to handle the financing of campaigns. Fears of Justice and filtered into a public warning in the electoral judge Buenos Aires, Maria Servini de Cubria, in particular by the inability to update the standards. From the political and judicial agreed to score an operational advantage to the ruling, the only one who knows in advance how they will define those areas sensitive to the electoral performance.
The warning signs are many. Questioning some aspects of the law is too vague and others agreed, but are not able to enter into force. A sensitive issue is the distribution of advertising. The law completely prohibits the hiring of campaign ads on radio and TV. These spaces will be assigned by the Executive to matches in all the country's media and occupy 10% of programming the 23 days before the election.
But do not stop to define what criteria will be allocated resources and time to each party. "If you find the visible grid a candidate last week, sink, and when Justice act, it will be late," said the head of the UCR block in the Senate, Gerardo Morales (Jujuy). Another concern is funding. The Government should ask for in the budget 2011, and sent to Congress to fix the value of "election form", a monetary measure on the basis of which should calculate the costs and contributions throughout the season (in 2007 there was 1.5 pesos per voter .) He forgot to include it, and the electoral court had to send a note to Congress to do so urgently. You can not start any electoral calculation without this measure. On the other hand, only judicial operational prior to the internal cost 15 million pesos. And the new law sets an ambitious re-engineering, which will in about 6 years that the register contains photo and fingerprint of every voter. "So far, no sent funds. Just got some computers ", they relied on electoral justice. There were no resources to move from the 48 current patterns (two per province, male and female) to the new and high standard to be applied only in the internal primaries, simultaneous binding scheduled for August 14. This unified standard will involve reorganizing all the tables in the country, they would not be divided into male and female. The eternal problem of lack of authority table will advance to the inmates. To remedy this, the new law does not give priority to skilled citizens, but the rest, thereby promoting the rule of the militants.

Another issue that worries are collecting lists. The new law prohibits only the mirror lists (where one candidate is presented for different parties), but even that is not regulate the internal not know if the disputed lists collecting evidence and will be repeated.

is also not known what role the electoral boards of the parties responsible for checking all the requirements imposed by law. For the opposition, it is clear the conditions to form these special bodies or how they will control.
Contrary to asking the experts, 26,571 law gives more power to the National Electoral Directorate under the Ministry of Interior. By Presidential Decree 682/10, this dependence added 6 directions, fees and budget to meet their new responsibilities. "It's a setback because the world moves towards political autonomy electoral bodies," said Rep. Laura Alonso (Pro).

dark spots

court officials and opposition leaders warn of delays attributable to the Government, which could complicate the election process. ADVANTAGES

The enormous power of the State


The new law gives more power to the Ministry of Interior. This dependence should add new addresses, fees and budget to meet their new responsibilities. Opponents fear the distribution moves tables and in the count.

NOTICES Distribution of advertising

law completely prohibits the hiring of campaign advertising on radio and TV. These spaces will be allocated by the Government parties in the different media in the country. But it is unknown what criteria will be distributed and whether the air will be used to benefit the ruling party. ALLIANCES

collecting lists

According to the text adopted by Congress, may not be present "mirror lists (one candidate that is presented by different parties). But it is unclear what will happen to the "collector", ie when a candidate has your list attached to different partners. Knowing this is key to solving strategy. INTERNAL

electoral budget for the operation only after the domestic court will require 15 million pesos. But the 2011 budget draft does not include items for that. The new law also sets out an ambitious re-engineering, but also sent money to comply. SILVER

Financing campaigns

The Government did not establish the value of "election form", a monetary measure based on which they must calculate the costs and contributions of the entire campaign. Without that, it is impossible to start organizing a campaign. And there are changes that complicate the monitoring of expenditure. KEY BODY

electoral boards, a mystery These bodies now have a decisive role in the process of open primaries, may decide who may be eligible, approve the lists and sanctions. The Government still did not regulate how to integrate the electoral boards of each party and how the monitor.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Naphthalene Purification Gray Color

A funny "ha ha" courtesy of FOX.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Anniversary Of Someone's Death Get Together

Popular Initiative


.- Article 39 Citizens have the right initiative for submission of draft legislation in the House of Representatives. The Congress shall consider them within a period of twelve months.

Congress with the vote of an absolute majority of all members of each House, a regulatory law that may not require more than three percent of the national electorate, within which shall provide for adequate territorial distribution to subscribe the initiative.

not be the subject of popular initiative projects involving constitutional reform, international treaties, taxation, budget and criminal matters.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Updo Hairstyle For Ball

To think: Why are we as we are! (Video original)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Semi-annual Interest Calculator

The power of NGOs

Almost no parliamentary debate in which these civil society organizations do not have a prominent place. With highly professional staffs, years of experience and budgets billionaires, have become major players in the political scene, with great ability to lobby. Why politicians and others distrust the summon. The difficult balance between the ideological neutrality and financing needs Sued By Gabriel

major blocks of the opposition were all ready to vote in the House of Representatives to reform the Judicial Council. But weeks passed and the center-sector led by Fernando "Pino" Solanas, who should provide the necessary votes for the bill, delayed its decision. I did not want to advance without knowing the statement of a group of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that examined the opinion given by the majority. discussions on reform of the Council of the Magistracy, the right of access to public information, the distribution of official advertising, marriage between same-sex couples and the protection of the glaciers are cases witnessed a phenomenon that had already intense protests had last year, during the discussion of media law, and early government of Nestor Kirchner, with the establishment of a new procedure, proposed by a group of NGOs, to select members of the Supreme Court.
With legislative turnover gave the Congress a revised leadership, NGOs and CSOs (civil society organizations) appear to have gained more ground than ever. In the House of Representatives and the Senate, almost no discussion of important issues in missing the point of view of these organizations.
In particular, those theorists define NGOs as "political organizations of civil society" organizations that have many years of experience, professionalized bodies, budgets billionaires (largely made up of donations from foreign entities) and a broad range of interests that make them stable and powerful political actors. Acting together, are present during the processing of projects in the committees, especially organized hearings to state their positions and at the same time, resorting to the typical resource lobby in private meetings with lawmakers to try to convince those who promote their agendas. But what should the advance of these organizations? What interests do they represent? Are they really independent? Where do you get the resources to operate? Can occupy places formerly reserved for political parties or the State? Are some questions that triggers the phenomenon. explanations generate more consensus on the status of NGOs from the academic point of view have to do with the democratization of political regimes, with unmet demand product for the disappearance of the welfare state, with the need of specialized knowledge to the diversification of the administrative functions of State and the creation, as a result of globalization, new international spaces that enhance the advocacy capacity of these organizations.

The diagnosis of the phenomenon are different political and NGO leaders are varied: some attribute it to the pursuit of technical knowledge away for years in political parties, others see it as a healthy revival of citizen participation channeled by nonpartisan lanes, and others, just as a seemingly neutral tool which is attended by politicians to try to settle disputes closed. Source: http://www.lanacion / nota.asp? nota_id = 1303465

Monday, October 4, 2010

What Humidity Do Leapord Gecko Need

What is Citizenship? 5000 Volunteer Building


is Citizen Participation?

Named to the integration of citizens in decision-making process of city government, autonomy or country. Or put another way, for a modern city or a country to provide the best services and opportunities to the population, governments must have open and receptive, willing to listen to what citizens want to transmit them to help improve policy and management of public affairs. That's Citizenship: the essential involvement of all men and women who want involved in issues that affect them, providing views, concerns and solutions. Why is it so important that the citizens participate?

Citizen Participation is needed to build democracy. Therefore, it is essential to help control the / the rulers, to better convey the preferences of citizens, smoothing conflicts, promote the agreements, and make it less expensive policy decisions. addition, participation fosters a type of citizenship that has a greater interest to become informed about political issues, cooperating with others, and that is more respectful of those who are different, which strengthens social bonds among human beings, and promotes intercultural understanding. With the contribution of men and women in public affairs there is a qualitative leap in Representative Democracy to Participatory Democracy.

How I can participate?

can participate individually or collectively, through associations or civic organizations.

And you can do so through multiple channels: public hearings, public consultations, thematic forums, initiatives and proposals ... -Transform- Inhabitants Citizens Action Support for Social and Humanitarian Affairs -Election Center

Source: http://www. /

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Insert Jpeg Autocad


Bicentennial Campaign Sponsorship Group, we recruit 5000 new volunteers! For participate in the various campaigns of our group. -Civics-Citizenship - Electoral Transparency Group-Youth Mentoring Campaign

"2 +2 = 7


-Name-Mail Contact

-Telephone Contact-City of Residence

-Time Available Help us spread

, invite your contacts!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Yeast Infectionbleeding

Premiere of "Fiat Homo" in Cineshock

Today, at 22:00, opening the Rentée of Cineshock, will screen "Fiat Homo" at Luna Cinemas, followed by the awesome movie "Pieces" and "Emmanuelle in America.
Remember queuing around 20:30 to catch site, it always gets people out.

See you there with a copazo in hand.


gift, a picture that is very cute Monchichi ...