Friday, September 17, 2010

Heart Touching Quotes

This is how summer just

The Yogourtera vacations had to be over a fortnight ago. Not that I had forgotten, is that I started a very nice post and reading it I realized it was crap with olives and I said "my readers deserve this?" "No, do not deserve it," he said. So I decided to think about what was right, what was wrong, and what you should take into account past the holidays. Not that I take a long time, but you know, if you read more than two blog entries, which the organization is not my forte.

teacher decision I ever made and I am wearing out Red Bull in hand, I'm going to summarize these two months in small paragraphs, which is how I do with my friends when I have much to say and I do not or I should like to send an email eternal for anyone to read. There he goes. For you. For the Yogourtera. In the years ahead in which I hope you read me regularly, not only because I postee regularly, but because it is able to preserve you the other side:

- I've spent about four years without a vacation comme il faut. Ie I went to places, but always with a computer supports both under his arm, and / or many books, or too overwhelmed, and this is no vacation. So this year I rested completely. And that, I assure you, improve your quality of life. I will not do an essay on "My Holiday" but I assure you I do not lack desire.

- This past year I have read less than in all my life. I was reading a lot and lot. I do not know if I do not drive, desire, or if I'm not choosing the appropriate readings a. .. to which I now live. Please let me recommending things. As you please. New, old, suckling pig, or very crazy. All for a change.

- I went to Vogue Fashion's Night Out, the Fiestas de Barajas, and White Night. I wanted to make a post about the three things are like this, as of legs that come out at night to do as they are cool, but why criticize. In the third thing was punctured and the Trash Pizarro Entre Amigos, so that alone is already worth. The first thing I read a lot. Barajas in the Feast of my no, I lost nothing, but went to see what room there. Opened debate on the Facebook to see why people keep gangs at school and I did not need. I got it when a guy does not know what to talk to me only because I had no friends in common. And that has a name: poverty of spirit. Do not you love it when you know someone with whom you have nothing to do and yet you can talk about things? Me too. But it was not the case. But the point of this anecdote is the lesson: the three things people were parties. Under different clothing. And never have to go to parties at people unless you're a layperson.

- Again I have TV. Programs such as "Men, Women, and Vice Versa" (I already knew, but this was not enough), "The Crown Jewels" or "Resistiré OK?" made me reaffirm my hopes of an illiterate and beautiful Spain (cycled, silicon) where there is no room for reflection and self for ignorance proudly. A hooray for our future.

- Interviews are already assembled. The raise in a jiffy. That's not the clothes you will find that America is Valenzuela halftime.

- Finally came the new Mondo Brutto. More than 180 pages, over 200 grams of wisdom, holy disturbing, and more than a year of waiting, too. I know you said no, but yes.

- It was a summer in which the formspring has shaped our leisure time. A tool that Internet asking people (and sometimes beyond) whatever you like A new platform that allows anonymity to slander, insult, make cyber-straw, or simply drop unhealthy rumors with all your bad host. Here mine.

- has also been the summer that I started to work in an atmosphere of relaxation and absolute relaxation, with Radioshock, version Cineshock waves, which already has a date: October 1. For now you can listen to the live program from 8 to 9 every Wednesday on Radio Woodworm, but in the next post (I promise it will be on Sunday) I put all the links. Until then you can look at the indispensable blog of Popy Blasco.

"But, at street level, has been the summer World Cup, which gives me a bit alike. The only thing that made me really happy, well above that wins Spain, was the happy ending that is marked Casillas and Carbonero. That is the stuff that dreams are made. And I put the video again because I never tire of him and because I am a cheesy and gooey and support to people who really want.

- Speaking of love truly, the premiere of Fiat Homo is YA YA. Already confirmed site but still not going to announce. It's a surprise. But do not worry, there will be more of a pass. And more than two. And I hope, more than a festival.

- Tomorrow, Cybele, Mary is the parade of cleavage, young hopeful, young reality, the English fashion. I'll do a little blurb about the event, taking advantage of that for once I am not going to take a broom to such glamorous locations.

- And I ask, before wisely to get away the video of Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero you have seen two million times, which comenteis in this, your blog, which is also mine, ours. I like to read, really. There is contact, we seem to those couples who do not know they still love.

Do you wonder why I'm so drool today? Because it's eleven thirty, and it's Friday and I'm home. As for no. But do not worry, tomorrow I go to die. And you should do the same. At any point of the street you might find a former Nazi hustler willing to explain why there is grime gives people at home, impidéndole walking naked around his room-living room-dining-living room ...


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