Saturday, September 18, 2010

Free Fluid Douglas Pouch

The Money, Success, Fame, Glamour

Cibeles is one thing that the ordinary citizen brings to the anchor, because in Spain (was not) everyone swells with pride when he said that "me first thing I get crook" and "whether the clothes combined or not a pijada. Look, in jeans and a black shirt ...". While respecting this opinion, I am While the other end. I dedicate much time to what I wear and I do, above all, because as I appreciate people coming into my field of view show a little courage, I also like to show me. Then it bothers me that I look down the street, but what can we do. Living in Alameda de Osuna, the strange thing is that I do not throw stones (but well ...). I do not speak of elegance, eh? The elegance almost always seems like a firecracker verbenera. It is the argument submitted by your mother to not get miniskirt, and what you say to classmates that highlights the gray pile mounted to dance in circle in Huertas bar which is fine because they 2x1 in a shot glass.

And yet, to me that these things are cool, I will not Cibeles. Why? Because I usually invite. I was told that if you do a little effort, you can enter the space Cibeles, but not for that. And today I could go to Madrid Fashion Week at the invitation of the young designer Maria Escoté, whose picture I get because it's so pretty and her nose has haunted me and I can not stop mirársela. It is as straight and sleek ...

Mary Escoté know - personally - Popy Blasco environment, and is a regular Cineshock. However, as more and more I have seen him speak (because the mails and not enough time for evening parties a lot) is one of the extras from "The September Issue", which take the opportunity to recommend you collector's edition.

Returning to Cybele, being next to my house, I wondered if I would be going to the whole. Upon arrival at the venue and see a wide assortment of flowers in her hair, heels and platform, caps, headgear for weddings, jackets, fancy socks, tight dresses, maxi bags ... It appears that, for young student of fashion design or blogger, his is plantarte front of your closet, jump in, make croquette side to side, and leave with everything you have been stuck. always better than less. Interestingly, people who could identify that if they engage in these things - although I'm not too fantastic - had thrown not because of the sober, no, but that custom English speakers identify as "a hair cut." Even Julio Prieto stylist was wearing a tracksuit pants and a shirt. Just like that. Anyway, I will not advise you about how you have to get dressed. That's what Josie

For you have never been to a fashion show, I urge you that you succeed the first time, if you are on the front row, I you assure that you get up to see the show either side of the room staring at the other to sign faces, styles, and social corners. Then begins the parade of Pharaonic languid pace of electroclash and one and falls squarely within that world. I told my companions ( Popy, July, and Miguel ) that was usual, Cibeles, propose a wedding dress to close the collection. Such a catheter has fallen, apparently, deprecated, and we knew that closing the library Ion Fiz when he appeared for the second time who is extremely friendly Raquel Sánchez Silva. Ion Fiz to give me a bit alike, but I think if you are not a beautiful cock and very young, with their clothes have to look like a lady stale.

On the opposite side (but without wanting to detract Ion Fiz) Mary Escoté sexy clothing does feel good and makes you attractive or yes. According to Miguel Agnes this Cibeles was marked by austerity. Well, yes, there were plenty of dresses that were variants of one another, but as long as we live. However, the library made me raise the issue of savings. I wish I had one of the models then and in particular, the belt of "Not Forgotten" title of the collection, inspired in those slaves who like both Costa Polvoranca.

While hanging these things on the shelves of Le Swing , I'll put a little of what happened at the parade , so you can see I think of you:

- Lomana Carmen showed up eating everyone. Seemed to La Croisette.
- They gave us all a bag of Wonderbra with one of these bras. As I was with four big men, I have four. Two for Clementina , two for me.
- Silvia Superstar continued to prove she is the aunt Madrid barrel shotgun.
- Dafne Fernandez and Mario Chavarria appeared hand in hand. The second I had no idea who he was, but I've learned thanks to the post of Popy Blasco y. ..
- ... with the show that gave Miranda Makaroff (who incidentally, appears in Agnosia ) to sneak into the front row.
"Although nothing compared to the Pa Melania show n , director of Harper's Bazaar , which led the parade of Mary Escoté ... leather jacket Mary Escoté quite spectacular with which it could be either sitting or standing. Without makeup or combing. With two balls and a stick.

jacket that I've been talking about.

- is striking that in a room dedicated to fashion, in the cafeteria but things are not greasy and sandwiches made of clay.
- The Kissing Room concept is most embarrassing I've ever seen. After the parade, give you a ticket to go and give you two kisses to the designer, drinking hat (which is what the majority consisting of events, really) and closer to Paloma, Puchi kiss and take a picture with Asier.
- There was a corner that if you felt the urge to update your blog, you pudieses put there to give everything messing with this or that procession, or to update your FB or tweet nonsense.
- The fashion students calling for entries for the parades, the poor.
- People really pretty much is not fixed. You should know.

Publish Post All are ugly compared with Pilar Rubio ...


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