Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pink Tinged Cervical Fluid

An initiative that seeks to change political apathy in society Fraud

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Make Nappy Carriage

1: Denying its Existence

General Interest

The objective is to address the political apathy in society, especially youth and adolescents and those with Argentine civic despair chronic. Under this slogan, the Sponsorship Group, a nonpartisan citizen organization formed by students and professionals in Law, Political Science and Sociology, seeking to stop having viewers to give way to the actors. The group, with several branches in the country, and landed in La Plata. "We transform inhabitants citizens, working to promote citizen involvement and commitment citizens of the republic, "he told Today Pablo Olivera Da Silva, a member of the entity. The work is a lung and driven by the desire to change things and that people are friends with politics.
El Grupo Padrinazgo, organizaci�n no partidaria, lucha contra el analfabetismo pol�tico mediante la educaci�n c�vica. El objetivo es que los habitantes se conviertan en ciudadanos
"We want more citizen participation, to understand the policy as necessary, so that, for example when there are elections, people will not be a hassle to go and vote, but it is something they do with joy to know that are exercising a right, "he said. In this regard, adding that "we believe that political apathy is due to the crisis of representation in the institutions, which erupted in 2001, throw them all out, which is a terminal issue. We believe that change starts from below, by the citizens. The parties make more propaganda than information for people, "he said. To achieve this, promote independent audit through the training of prosecutors, in the aforementioned specific action to control the election as well as the difficult task of educating them for the detection of many forms of electoral fraud there with the aim of preventing and / or report them. Another initiative is to provide lectures in schools, "we encourage kids to know why the laws, why we vote and why it is necessary to participate. And besides, we all know what the political platforms, which can separate the challenge, to fight for not much more information and propaganda. "

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bmx For Sale In Ottawa


This blog started life two years ago. It all started because we started to grow vegetables at home, and as we were a rookie, I had a word a day where I was writing down my doubts, which he cultivated, how he did it. One day we thought we could make a blog, and so we might have a diary with photos and all goods ordered.

From this it has been two years, I can only say: How has life changed since we have the garden and the blog

This blog has made us know other blogs of gardens, fantastic people You write us comments, and although I do not know, The blog allows us to feel very close.

The enthusiasm for farming, has grown into something very important in our lives. And now we want to share news. Some time ago we started to fondle one idea, which at first seemed impossible, almost impossible. But gradually the idea, that little seed we have been watering, feeding, and has been growing and growing.

That little seed has grown into a project very relevant to this blog and orchards. That project is called URBAN GARDENS WORKSHOPS.

workshops are already underway, will start from April, and those in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnext to Plaza Urquinaona Easily accessible by public transportation to anyone who is interested. There will be various times during the week and on Saturdays. And the workshops will be taught by two teachers of permaculture, organic gardening experts.

If you are interested in the workshops, you can click HERE . ,

This project has excited a lot, because we deeply believe in him, and as I have said before, because we thought it would be wonderful if all the balconies and terraces of our cities be filled with orchards and gardens. With these workshops we do our part to make this dream came one day become reality.

you hope that you enjoy our project. And we are happy to welcome you to our workshops.

We want you to know that this blog will remain the same, will remain our logbook, where we will continue what is happening in our garden, and in other orchards.

Thanks and good harvest all

Amadeus Constanze Salieri



The duration of the workshop is two hours and two hours and a half.

Small groups of students.

In all courses provide the necessary material and a dossier with information on the matter concerned.

To book the workshop that interests you, you can do in the following ways:

- through PAYPAL system, secure and reliable system.

- by bank transfer. In this case, you can send an email to, indicating the name of the workshop, the same day and time. And I send a mail with bank details for you can make the transfer.

If there is a workshop that interests you and complete, you can get in touch with us in the mail, and You can join a waiting list.

And if you are a group, association, entity or group interested workshops in urban gardens, we can tailor workshops. We would adapt to your schedule, and we crowd out the place I was convenient.

If you are interested in any of these workshops, BOOK YOUR PLACE.

Click on each course for details. APRIL 2011

I inception workshop,

Date: April 7

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 11

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 35 €

I inception workshop,

Date: April 14

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €

I inception workshop,

Date: April 16

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 28

Time: 10,30 h. to 12.30 h.

Price: 35 €


Date: April 28

Time: 18 h. at 20 h.

Price: 40 €

To make inquiries about the workshops or payment methods, you can call the phone 626-036973 or 93-5145038.

are held in the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bC / Via Laietana, 57, next to Plaza Urquinaona.