Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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you a review in February 2011

So yeah, this post is dedicated to those who Have a blog or website ye travel and promote it on the network. In February of 2011 I decided to regale a review on my blog. You only have to contact me via email (, and if I think the issue right from your page or blog, we published a review of free.

That if the review's have to write you, that everything I do I can not ...

Which sites / blogs I think are appropriate?

For all those having to do with travel and tourism . From travel, accommodation, cruises, flights, personal pages, pages of tourism companies, etc ... Well, I do not give anyone who has anything to do with travel industry and tourism.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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How to Know if I belong to a political party


control your data to control your membership has been realized, or to see if you have joined a game and never warned.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Electoral Timeline 2011: for national

simplified Voter Information:


May 21: Deadline for claims voters (Articles 27 and 28 -15 days CEN calendar from the publication of the provisional register ")


June 25: Deadline for submission of the list candidates (art. 26 Law 26 571, up to 50 days before the primary election-).
June 27: formalization of the lists of candidates supported by the Electoral Board (article 27 of Law 26,571, within 48 hours. Of the presentation-)

JULY July 15: Appointment of table authorities (art.75 CEN-giving not less than 30 days from the date of the primaries must ratify such appointment for the general election)

July 15 : start of the election campaign in the primaries (art. 31 Law 26 571 -30 days prior to the polls-)

July 25: beginning of the season audiovisual (art. 31 Law 26 571, from 20 days before the primary election ")

July 30, advertising the location of tables and its authorities ( art. 80 CEN-at least 15 days before the date of the polls ")

July 30: prohibition of acts of government (Art. 64 quater CEN-during the 15 days before the election date primary-)


August 12: Election campaign ends (art. 31 Law 26 571 -48 hours before the election ")

August 14:

primaries (art. 20 Law 26 571)


September 18: Election campaign starts general election (art.64 bis CNE -35 days before the polls ")

September 28: Beginning of period to advertise in the media (article 64 ter CEN -25 days before polls -)


October 3: Deadline to correct errors or omissions in the registry (art. 33 CEN-up to 20 days before the polls ")

October 8, advertising the location of tables and its authorities (art. 80 CEN-be will know at least 15 days before the polls ")

October 8: Ban on advertising for acts of government (Art. 64 quater CEN-during the 15 days prior to the date of the polls)

October 13: civic shredding deceased voters until the closing date of the movement of high and low referred to in art. 22 CEN.

October 15: prohibiting the media from publishing results of surveys or opinion polls and election forecasts, or refer to your data (art. 44c law 26 215 -8 days before the general election)

October 21: End of the electoral campaign (art. 64 bis CEN -48 hours before the start of the polls ").

October 23: General Election (art. 53 CEN)

October 25: Last time for making protests and complaints from individuals and political groups (arts.110 and 111 CEN - within 48 hours following the election ")

October 26: Start of final scrutiny (art. 112 CEN-up within 48 hours set by the art. 110 CEN-)


November 7: Last day to report the final results of the first round by the legislature (art. 120 CEN-within 15 calendar days from the Election Day ")

November 20: Second round of elections (art. 96 CN-within 30 days to the general election-)


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3GSM Barcelona - The most awaited event Browse

arrives in Barcelona in February 2011 and each year the "GSM Mobile World Congress" with a new slogan: "Leading the Transformation", translated would be something like "Leading the transformation ". As you know the world of phone technology is advancing by leaps and bounds , each month is launching new applications, new services, new equipment and improvements all possible benefits. The 3GSM World Congress is the perfect scenario showing the world the improvements and new services mobile phone, Mobile phones come in the future!

During the event, visitors can discover many things about the telephone industry mobile is a must for the curious or those working in the sector. About 50,000 participants will display their latest ready for 2011 and to be launched soon. The speakers are the main leaders of the mobile sector, as Eric Schmidt (Chairman and CEO Google), Vittorio Colao (CEO Vodafone), Stephen Elop (President and CEO Nokia) among others. The main developments in Congress 3GSM this year 2011, are:

  • Exhibitions with more than 1,300 companies showcasing the latest products more sophisticated design that will define the future mobile telephony.

  • A or recognition awards program of the best initiatives worldwide and for innovative and outstanding solutions for the mobile sector.

  • Great conference where industry leaders will debate, discussion groups and chat ultimate related to the industry.

  • Of course, Networking, job opportunities and create alliances and trade strategies, etc ...

From 14 to 17 February 2011, more than 200,000 people attend to the city. If you're one of them offers you apartments in Barcelona for days during the Congress near the Fira or in the center of the city.

Check out our website and book your apartment in Barcelona easily and securely as a ticket plane. If you belong to a company or seek accommodation groups over 10 people just contact us and we will offer a really good price. We are here to provide solutions.

I hope!

Friday, January 14, 2011

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year the summer of 2011 with TuttoCruceros

With the new year will soon put us all we love to travel to get our desired holiday of the year just begun. Begins the tedious task of looking destinations, hotels, flights, etc ... Hours and hours reading experiences of other travelers to find the best destination for the best price.

The travel is like everything, there are those who prefer to relax on the beach, finishing burst after traipsing a city, or as before, leaving the people to fleshing few days. Another option is still more than one has not been raised: a cruise. Relax in the sea, visiting a lot of cities, and on top you have a good since most of the crews of ships try to wait on because passengers make the most of your stay.

course, is the tedious task of finding the best cruise at the best price on the dates we'd better add up. This is where the web comes into play in TuttoCruceros, where you can find a summary of the best cruises you can do this year. In fact, they already have published the offer summer 2011 cruises, especially the supply of travel in the Mediterranean is quite good, offering plenty of possibilities: Tunisia, France, Italy, Greece, etc ... well, that which not find a cruise to its measure is not wanted.

Post sponsored.

Monday, January 10, 2011

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What you need to know to

Read and pass on to our acquaintances and friends and so began our civic participation! . Thank you very much, GROUP PADINAZGO. Graciela and Jose Luis Lapuente Orrico: Volunteer Coordinators

Dr. Nicholas Deane: The Patterns


Things to know for Election 2011

How and when to see the patterns, where to vote, what are the mandatory primary, how will the ballots and other issues. The National Electoral Chamber announced the main aspects that should be taken into account citizens to the polls
From the validity of the new electoral law that will govern the elections this year, the National Electoral Chamber gave know some things to consider citizenship.

The standards

- No more patterns of men and women but are mixed. Nor are the tables and the polls will be separated by gender.

- The Please see the interim standards before the election, to verify the personal data of every voter, especially those who have made changes to your document in recent years.
- To this end, there will be an early publication of interim standards that may be revised from 11 to 31 March.

- April 26 is the closing date of the provisional register. The developments after that date will not enter the registry. The provisional lists will be posted closed again from 6 to 21 May.

- For each publication, citizens can make claims on the rolls.

- In all cases, the standards will be available on the Internet, SMS Freephone 0800, and other tools.


- Following the change of making the standards, which will be mixed, it is very likely to change the polls you're used to go every citizen. Therefore, it is advised to check ahead of the polls that it's up to everyone.

- In that final standards will be published on 15 July primary election and September 23 for the general election.


- will be on 14 August and will for the first time this year. Are mandatory for all citizens, regardless of being or not affiliated with any political party.

- The candidates vote for each political group that will participate in the general election. Clusters can have different internal lines or a single, but must participate in the primary to nominate candidates in general.

- All citizens will elect the party or candidate you want. The party had not had at least 1.5% of the total valid votes in each category may not present candidates in the general election.

- In the dark room are the ballots of each party or group with their respective internal lines for each category (president, two deputies, senators, etc..).

- Each party can choose a distinctive color of ballots to be able to use images to differentiate themselves.

- Every citizen may choose a full ballot or cut ticket charges by category among both internal lines of the same group as different political groups. What can not is an option to choose more than one category.

- Depending on the precinct, there will be more or fewer categories to choose from.

- Citizens who have not attained the age of 18 to 14 August but will meet before the general election, must also vote in the primaries.

general election

- will be the 23 October.

- probably involve less political participation grouped in the year 2009, since not all get above 1.5% in the primary. Furthermore, the legislative reform have increased the requirements to establish and maintain the validity of a political party, which many have expired. Authorities table

- The law provides for the establishment of a Register of Applicants for Voluntary Mesa authorities which may be recorded for voters who want to participate as board officials, something will be essential for the election.

Mariano Przybylski

Source: -to-know-for-the-elections-2011.html

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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The Greek island of Zakynthos

sure more than once have heard of the Greek Ionian islands, and like to have seen many times the picture that we put here below. As part of the island of Zakynthos, spectacular for its fine white sand, turquoise waters and stranded bank that endures for the end of time.

Renowned for its emerald waters, Zakynthos is the southernmost island in the Ionian Sea. There are daily flights connecting Athens to Zakynthos airport is located six kilometers from Zakynthos town - the capital of the island - while international charter flights connect the island with many European cities. There are regular ferries operating from a boat Kyllene and direct connects the island to Italy three times a week during the summer months. There are also sea connections with neighboring islands - and Kefalonia Peloponnese - daily departures all year.

not forget that one of the best places to spend a great holiday is the Greek islands, we will not forget Mykonos or Santorini , but be aware that there are more options.